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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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"History doesn't suggest a strong chance of that." I shift the phone between my hands. "But really, it's okay. I never used to be able to sleep. I only started sleeping once I had you."

She laughs. "Likely story."

God, that laugh is amazing, it's brightening the entire room. I'd kill to keep her laughing like that.

My lips curl into a smile. "It's true. You're better than Ambien."

"So take some of me with you and sleep all you want."

"Impossible. It works by proximity. If there are more than three inches between us, it doesn't work."

"That doesn't sound very effective."

"It wouldn't be, but I never want more than three inches between us."

She laughs and the room feels alive. It feels like all of this is going to be okay. Everything in my life will be perfect if I can keep her laughing.

"You're so cheesy."

"It's romantic."

She murmurs some kind of agreement. If I was with her, I could wipe that smug look off her face with my lips on hers.

She takes a deep breath and her voice gets lower, like she's concerned. "How is she?"

"You don't want to hear about my ex," I say.

"I do. That's why I'm asking."

"She's not ready for visitors." I clench my first so I can keep my voice as steady as possible.

"I'm sure she's just embarrassed. It's not like she wants you to rescue her every six months."

"You're right."

"Are you okay though? I know, if I abandoned all my responsibilities to be at someone's side and she rejected me, I'd be pissed as hell."

The hurt in her voice is louder. I try to shake it off, but it digs into my skin. I need to move on from this, to make sure she's okay.

"Are you going to be okay at Laurie's party?" I ask.

"You know me. Nothing I love more than crowded parties where I'm the center of attention." She laughs.

It's a tiny thing, but it fills me with warmth.

Her voice is soft. "I know how to play my part. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She says it with such finality, like she is not willing to talk about this for a moment longer.

"Promise you'll call me if you get overwhelmed?" I ask.

"I'll be fine."

"Promise anyway."

She groans but it's playful, sweet even. "I'm not a big fan of promises to Luke Lawrence."

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