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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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I'm the luckiest guy in the fucking world.


Room 203.

The texts jolts me out of my daze. It's still early, barely eight a.m., but I'm sharp and alert. Samantha is ready to see me.

I rush to the hospital. It's quiet here. The air is stale. T

here's something horribly uncomfortable about it, but I push it to the back of my mind. Samantha's room is around a corner and down a hallway. I knock on the door and enter.

She's sitting there on the hospital bed, a cardigan over her paper gown. Her features look hard and tired. Her brown eyes seem dull. Her long, brown hair is in a messy ponytail. Even her glasses seem old and faded.

"Hey," I say.

She looks at me like I'm an idiot. "I was expecting something more dramatic."

"I'd say maybe next time, but I'm hoping there isn't a next time."

She shifts in her hospital bed. Looks at the curtain next to her. "Yeah."

"What happened?"

She rolls her eyes again like I'm an idiot. "According to my medical records, I accidentally overdosed on my prescription. I drank too much wine and forgot I'd taken a dose. Twice."

"Your dad think that one up?"

She nods. Her eyes pass over me like she's studying me. "Sit down. You're making me uncomfortable."

I sit in one of the ugly green chairs. "Does this really make you comfortable?"

She sighs and folds her arms. Her voice is rough and irritated. "You must feel so embarrassed in a shit hospital gown, no makeup, no access to even a hairbrush. And then your ex hauls ass to come and rescue you. Very embarrassing for you."

I clench my fists. Why does she always try to chase me away before she begs me to stay?

"I'm here because I want to be here," I say.

"I look like shit."

She isn't her usual polished self, but she looks fine. Samantha was never a knockout, but that never mattered.

She folds her arms. "You didn't deny it. It must be true."

"Don't be so vain."

"Said the guy dating the hot actress."

"She has other traits."


"Great tits."

"I bet they're fake."

"No, they're definitely real," I say. Real and amazing.

Samantha shakes her head. It seems playful, but I can't always tell with her.

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