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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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"How would I know? I hate chess. It's awful and boring." She groans. It's a low, throaty groan.

It's sexy as all hell.

But still, I need to torture her as much as I can.

I exhale into the phone. "And the whole point of the game is protecting the king."

"But isn't he useless? Isn't the queen some kind of Lady MacBeth with all sorts of mad skills?"

"And you acted like you knew nothing about chess."

She groans, louder this time. "Goddammit, Luke. Why do you make my life so difficult?"

"Because you like it better when I make you wait." And I like it better when I get to watch her contort in pleasure for as long as possible.

She sighs, giving up any pretenses. "You know what things I mean. Where are you staying?"

"Miss Summers, that doesn't sound like an appropriate question."

"Oh, God." She mumbles something.

I can practically see her cheeks turning red, her teeth sinking into her lip. She's flustered. She's so fucking cute when she's flustered.

"A hotel," I say.

"A nice hotel?"

I look around the room. It's yellow from the fluorescent lights, but dim at the same time. I need something more vibrant. It would be more vibrant if she was here to brighten it with her clear, blue eyes. And her smile. God, that smile would brighten the whole fucking room.

And her skin. He skin glows like the fucking sun. It's so soft, and bright, and gorgeous.

God, if she was here, I could feel her body against mine. I could feel her breath on my neck. Her nails on my back. And she would whisper in my ear. Maybe we could...

She'd blush, a little shy about it. And the color would be so fucking gorgeous on her skin. So pink and bright, like her lips. And she'd press those lips into mine, and they would be soft and sweet. So fucking sweet. And I would run my fingertips over that amazing, soft skin, and she would groan and arch and shake, and I'd keep doing it until she was writhing in pleasure. Until I was so hard I couldn't take it anymore.

"Luke?" And I'm back to attention.

"It would be nicer if you were here."

"And you're alone at this hotel?"

"Miss Summers, what are you getting at?"


"It's weird to talk about it. I've never done anything like that before." She lets out a nervous laugh, and then her voice gets lower. "But I miss you. I want to feel like you're next to me. I want to hear you..."

She takes a deep breath. God, it's so fucking adorable that she's nervous.

She exhales slowly, adopting her most confident voice. "I want to hear you come."

Blood rushes to my cock. It would feel damn good to groan into the phone, to listen to her panting and screaming. But not

yet. Not until she's desperate.

I play coy. "Oh yeah?"

She groans. "Jesus, Luke. You're torturing me. I'm never talking about this again without two shots of tequila first."

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