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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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Alyssa practically squeaks. "How do you know?"

Because I know. Because Samantha rejected my advances several dozen times, because she'd rather sleep with my father, because she still chases me off before she pulls me in.

I keep my voice calm. "I know."

Alyssa says nothing, but I can hear her breath over the phone. It's strained.

"If I'm not there she might try something. I can't let that happen," I say.

Alyssa sighs, but still she says nothing.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's fine. But I should probably go." There's so much hurt in her voice.

"It's only this weekend," I say.

"Yeah, until the next time she does it."

"There isn't going to be a next time."

Alyssa sighs. She sounds miserable. Desperate. "I hope not."

"How about I come home Sunday night? You can stay at my place so we don't wake up Laurie."



She takes a deep breath. "Do you have to stay?"

I rack my brain for reasons to leave. I'd so much rather be with Alyssa, but I need to stay. I need to make sure

Samantha is okay.

I run my fingers over the edge of the phone. "It will be over before you know it. We'll be back together. And we can do your food challenge next week."

"No, I think I'll do it on my own."

"Are you sure?"

She swallows. "Yeah. I don't want to wait anymore."

I bite my lip. There's no way I can talk her out of this. I can tell. But I can't let her do it all alone. "Why don't you call me during it? So at least I'll be on the phone."

A little cheer returns to her voice. "Okay."

"Name a time, even if it's three in the morning."

"In the afternoon. I'll call you. Okay?"


It's not perfect, but I really hope it's enough.


I have no choice but to help Samantha.

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