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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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She rocks into me. "Luke," she groans. Her voice is low, heavy, like she can barely get it out.

I bite her harder.

"Luke." She sinks her nails into my skin.

Her moans build, higher and louder and higher and louder. She screams.

I can feel her coming, her squeezing my cock harder and harder, until everything releases and she's pulsing around me.

She collapses on me again, holding me tightly. Her eyes find mine. "Fuck me," she groans.

"Turn around."

She nods, shifting off me. I take one long look at her--she's fucking perfect--and move off the couch. She presses her lips into mine. Her hands wrap around my cock and she strokes me.

I grab her hips and turn her around, so my chest is pressed into her back.

"Bend over."

She leans over, pressing her hands into the couch. I have a perfect view of her ass, her hips. I dig my hands into her thighs, and I slide inside her.

She's still so wet, so warm, so tight. I squeeze her hips, pulling her body towards mine as I thrust into her.

She groans, a low deep groan that can only mean more.

I thrust into her. Again and again and again.

"Fuck me." She arches her back, her nails digging into the couch.

My body fills with pleasure. I move harder. Deeper. I thrust into her again and again and again.

I groan. She feels so damn good.

Her breath is low and heavy. "Fuck me, Luke. Come inside me."

I squeeze her hips. I thrust into her. Harder. Deeper. Again. Again. Again.

The ache builds. She's so tight around me, so warm, so wet, so perfect.

I thrust into her again.

She groans. "Come inside me." It's a demand.

I lose control of any conscious thought. It's only Alyssa. Her hips, her thighs, her cunt, her groans. I thrust into her, harder, and deeper, until the ache inside me is too much.

And I come, my cock pulsing inside her.

She sighs in pleasure, collapsing on the couch. I lie next to her, our bodies pressed together in the tiny space.

There's no sense in trying to talk after this. No sense in anything but holding her all night.


The curtains are wide open, and the sunlight is falling over Alyssa's face. She looks so peaceful bathed in its glow. She sleeps on her side with her arms and legs crossed.

I still can't believe my luck that I get to wake up next to her.

She stirs and blinks her eyes open. Her lips curl into a smile as she looks me over. "What time is it?"

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