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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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"It was a pretty close competition."

"Why stick around? If you're really serious about Alyssa... if you really do love her." She can barely get the words out.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear she was jealous.

Her attention shifts to the entrance. Her lips purse. Her eyes turn down.

I turn to where she's looking. Alyssa is standing at the entrance, and she looks divine. She's wearing a tight, black cocktail dress. Her hair and makeup are perfect.

There's no way she wore this to her meeting.

I smile. I never pegged Alyssa as the petty type, but there's something sweet about her getting dressed up. Like she's marking her turf.

She waves and walks over to us. No, she saunters.

"You look gorgeous," I say.

She smiles. "I know."

Samantha's jaw is hanging open. "Yes, you're much prettier than your pictures."

Alyssa turns to me. "You showed her pictures?"

I nod. "Before. We used to make fun of Ryan for bragging about his lovely girlfriend."

"Oh." Alyssa's smile fades. She takes a seat at the table and looks Samantha over. "What else did you make fun of?"

"It was Ryan we were mocking, not you," I say.

"I'm sure."

Samantha offers a smile. "That was a long time ago. And I admit I Googled you. I didn't expect to see Luke dating someone so... pretty."

Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Yes, well, that's my number one trait. The pretty actress with the great tits."

"Yes, Luke mentioned the great tits," Samantha says.

Alyssa looks at me. An of-course-you-did-you-braggart look. She turns back to Samantha. "I'd really rather not spend dinner discussing it. But, if you'd like to see for yourself, I'm sure Luke can recommend a few films where I'm topless."

Damn. She's on fire today. I should probably be concerned with her attitude, but I love that she's claiming me.

Samantha offers a forced smile. "I'll take his word for it." She opens her menu. "This place is really nice. The pasta is great."

Alyssa grimaces but shakes it off. She places her hands over her menu. "I'm not really a pasta person."

Samantha looks Alyssa over. It's some kind of judgment, something women do that I don't understand.

"The fish is also great," I say. Since we both know Alyssa is ordering grilled fish and steamed vegetables.

Alyssa taps her fingers against the menu. "I appreciate the suggestions, but I've got it covered. I've been to restaurants before."

A waiter takes our drink order and delivers garlic knots. Alyssa ignores them. It's not the same way she looked at the cookie. It's a casual thing, like she really doesn't care that they exist.

I'm not sure that I've seen her eat a piece of bread.

But I know better than to interfere with her recovery without a specific request otherwise. I push the basket of bread to Samantha's side of the table.

Samantha raises her eyebrows. She clears her throat. "Usually I'd ask how you two met, but I think I have a good idea of how that went. Luke doesn't give up when he wants something."

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