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Fill Me (Rouse Me 3)

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"If he was in love with me, he would have said so. Ryan was never shy like that."

"He's good-looking. Don't you think?"

"He had his chance," Alyssa says. "I'd rather not rehash this. It's already on TMZ."

"You're not a rock, sweetie. You need a rock. Someone dependable. Like Ryan."

Alyssa groans. "I'm with Luke. And you have no right to tell me how to live my life. Not when you haven't spoken to me in three years."

"Was it a sexual problem?"

"Mom! No. He was fine, but he was only fine."

"You know, your father was great in bed. Best sex of my life. Do you see where that got me?"

"Yes, if only you'd never decided to have a child. Maybe he'd still be around and you wouldn't have to deal with me."



Luke steps around the corner, a pleasant expression on his face. Fuck. If he heard that...

I dig my nails into my wrist. It's fine. He invited my mother. I told him I wanted nothing to do with her and he still sprang this fun family reunion on me.

Deep breath. It's not that bad. Boyfriends meet mothers, even estranged, clueless mothers who are trapped in the past.

It's not like Luke isn't aware Ryan is the only person who ever cared about me. Before him at least.

Mom stops her bullshit suggestions and returns to her wine, drinking it like it's my supposedly so-great-at-sex father. That's not a detail I need.

She looks Luke over like he's a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, a greaser with a motorcycle and a leather jacket. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous. Luke is a lawyer.

He's even wearing a suit. His hair is neat. I'm sure he's been polite and charming. He always is.

Mom shakes her head. She disapproves.

Acid churns in my stomach. I shouldn't care if she disapproves. She's been out of my life forever now, and I have no intention of bringing her back into it.

Luke offers his hand and I take it. It's such a little thing, but it's so much, too much all at once. I'm glad I'm sitting, because there's no way I could stand. I miss him, I love him, I hate him.

Mostly, I want to drag him to the bathroom, rip off his clothes, and lick every inch of his perfect body until he's screaming so loudly the whole damn restaurant can hear it.

It's been so long since he's been next to me, and we haven't had a hint of foreplay since my last meltdown. No pictures, no Skype, not even a few dirty texts.

Nothing except me and my memories in the cold, empty bed.

"Mom wants to know how you met Ryan," I say. That ought to keep them busy for a while. For long enough that I can polish off my double.

Luke smirks. So he heard some of that conversation.

But he plays along. "It's not a very interesting story. He wanted to form a law firm. I was the only other family practice lawyer he knew. The only competent one at least. So magic happened."

Mom snickers. So she's had more than these two drinks. It figures. I never blamed her when I was a kid--she worked hard and worked late and hey, there was always food in the fridge--but enough is enough.

"I'm sure," Luke says, "you're really more interested in how I ended up with Alyssa."

"It's none of my business."

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