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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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Doesn't matter it's been pulled out from under me a thousand times.

I still go in for the kick.

For most of an hour, I tune out TV on the couch. This ER rerun isn't grabbing my attention. I'm tempted to wake Lacey up the fun way, but I resist. I flip channels until I find something entertaining.

Gossip Girl. Tightness threatens to seize my chest again. Piper left before we could finish this show. I don't give a fuck about what Blair, Serena, and Chuck are up to. But the reminder that I'm fucking alone here—

That stings.

And it stings worse that fucking Gossip Girl is the knife in my side.

This isn't anyone's fault. It's the way life works. It goes forward. It's supposed to go forward.

Even when it would be better if everything could stay the same. Or go backwards. To when we were an actual family.

Mom and Dad are coming back.

Maybe things will be different.

Probably worse.


I grab my cell and call Piper.

She answers with an ugh. "This early, someone better be dead."

"It's ten," I say.

"I'm a college student. I'm supposed to sleep in."

"You home?" I have to force home from my tongue. This is supposed to be her home. I'm not ready for her to be an adult.

"Yeah." She calls out to someone, Kit probably. "More coffee please."

He calls something back, but I can't make out the details.

"Turn on channel 17," I say.

She does. "Oh, Chuck better not fuck this up."

"He always does."

She laughs then her voice gets dreamy. "Wasn't it romantic? When Ethan asked me to help pick out the ring, I figured he was going to wait until after your next tour. Or until their new anniversary. But doing it at that show—"

"Ethan asked you to pick out the ring?"

Her voice gets shaky. "You know me and fashion. And me and Vi. She loved it. I knew she would. She wants to get this amazing lace up corset dress, all purple satin with black tulle. It's going to be like a haunted fairytale."

"I thought they wanted a beach wedding."

"They were going to do the pier, but once she saw, um, what's it called… let me check." There's silence for a few moments. "Kimberly Crest House and Gardens. In San Bernardino. It's beautiful, a real castle. They're going to do it fast, an Autumn wedding at dusk." She squeals with delight. "She asked me to be a bridesmaid."

"That's sweet, Pipes."

"Yeah. You know, Vi… if Ethan didn't marry her, I would."

Kit calls out something. Then she's laughing. And he's laughing.

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