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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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And he's hurting.

This is something that hurts, but he can't take on the pain of it all the time. He needs a break.

I move closer. "You don't want to talk?"


"You sure?"


It's fair. It's an ongoing crisis. He's powerless to stop it. Getting his mind off it will help more than anything else.

Or maybe that's a lame excuse and I'm thinking with my libido.

Either way, I'm not leaving without making sure he feels good for at least a few minutes.

I open my mouth to speak, but I fail to find the words. They aren't my strong suit.

I let my eyelids flutter closed and I press my lips to Mal's.

His kiss is hard and hungry. He doesn't waste any time. He slides his hand under my dress and rubs me over my panties.

Fuck, that feels good.

I kiss him harder.

I shift against his hand.

I forget about everything but how much I want to make him feel good.

He nips at my ear. "Take off your panties."

I have to shift off his lap to do it. "Someone might come to the wedding early. They might see."


It's a compelling counterpoint.

I pull my panties to my ankles and kick them off.

Mal slides his arm around my waist and pulls me into a deep kiss. God, all the need in his kiss…

Right now, this is exactly what we both need.

I melt into his touch as he pushes my dress to my waist and does away with my bra. He breaks our kiss to drag his lips down my neck and chest. Then he's sucking on my nipple.


We're here, on the beach, where anyone could walk by.

It's a secluded spot, but it's easy to find.

We could get caught.

Someone could see.

That thought should terrify me. But it doesn't. It makes my sex clench. It makes my nipples tighten.

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