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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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As I flick my tongue against him.

He licks me harder.

I take him deeper.

He groans against my inner thigh.

I groan against his cock.

Every flick of his tongue makes the knot in my core tighten. The pleasure spurs me on to take him deeper.


Fuck, he feels so good in my mouth, soft skin over hard flesh. And he tastes so fucking good, like salt and like Mal.

I suck on him as he licks me.

We bring each other to the edge.

Damn, that soft, wet tongue of his. I'm almost there.

I buck against his mouth.

He digs his nails into my hips, holding me in place, and he works me harder. Faster.

Fuck, my sex clenches. Almost. Almost.


I press my thighs against his cheeks, working him harder and deeper, as I come. The orgasm spreads out through my legs, to my toes.

He keeps working me.

It's intense enough it hurts.

Fuck, that's a lot of sensation.

Then the hurt breaks through and it only feels good.

And I'm almost there again.

I press my palm against his hip bone, doing what I can to pin him in place, and I teas

e his tip until he has to break to groan against my inner thigh.

Then his lips are on me again and I'm taking him deeper.

And I'm almost there.

And from the way his groans are vibrating over my sex—he is too.

I suck harder. Hard enough to hurt him.

His hips buck as he thrusts into my mouth.

Then his cock is pulsing.

And my sex is clenching.

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