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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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Then he's leaning down to brush his lips against mine.

He tastes good, like green tea and honey.

His kiss sets me on fire. I want to help him through this. I want to be his friend. I want to be his everything.

I pull back with a sigh. I try to find meaning in his eyes, but all I see is affection. He wants to be alone. He's kissing me hello like he wants me to be his everything.

Something is missing.

I force myself to take a step backwards. Then another. It's enough that the rest of the world comes into focus. The air smells of salt, not of Mal's laundry detergent.

"Hey!" Joel's bouncy voice floats over the sound of the waves lapping at the beach and into my ears. "Not fair. I don't get to do that without Bella here." He takes a few steps towards us and hugs me hello. "How's it going, Lacey? You work well with a raging—what should I call it? It's not a hard-on?"

Ethan laughs. "You haven't solved this one during one of your long phone sex sessions?"

"Usually I say, angel, tell me you want to come more than you've ever wanted anything." Joel's smile widens. "Answer is always yes."

"'Cause you don't deliver enough?" Ethan teases.

"Those are fighting words, Strong. I don't give a flying fuck if a black eye ruins the aesthetic. I will kick your ass." Joel winks at me. He's teasing. They're all teasing.

Ethan flips Joel off. He turns to me. "Hey, Lacey. Sorry about Joel—"

"You started it," I say.

Joel laughs. "I like you, Waltz."

"Really, insulting his sexual prowess. That's a low blow. Even if it's clearly not true from the way his wife was looking at him," I say.

"Damn, she's with the his wife thing too?" Ethan shakes his head. "It never ends."

"You have a fiancée now," I say.

Ethan beams. "I do."

Mal's expression gives nothing away. Is he still upset about his brother moving on or has that been eclipsed by his mom's condition? I don't know. I want to ask. I'm dying to ask.

Hell, I'm still dying to pry his head open and pick apart every one of his thoughts.

But that's not happening today. Or tomorrow.

I'm here to work.


Ethan hugs me hello. He leans in to whisper, "You okay?"

I whisper back, "Yeah."

"Is Mal?"

"I don't know."

He pulls back with a smile. It's a real smile. It gets wider as his gaze moves around the set. Ethan really is a beacon of enthusiasm.

Oh. "Bella isn't here?"

Joel actually frowns.

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