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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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My arms slide to her ass. I lift her and set her on the couch under me. It's messy. Our foreheads bump together. Then our noses.

Then my lips are on hers and everything else is fading away.

She tastes so fucking good.

I spread her legs and bring her body onto mine.

She shudders as my tip strains against her.

One delicious inch at a time, I enter her.

We both sigh loudly enough to get the sound echoing around the room. This is where we belong. Together. As one. Holding each other up. Helping each other face the world.

She tugs at my hair as she kisses back.

She rakes her nails across my back.

She arches her hips, moving with me, pushing me deeper.

She groans against my lips.

I get lost in the movements of her body. In the sounds of her pleasure. In the feeling of driving into her.

Being one with her.

We stay locked like that until she's there. She breaks our kiss to stare into my eyes.

Then her eyelids flutter together.

Her lips part with a sigh of pleasure.

And she moans my name again and again as she comes.

Fuck, I love the way she pulses around me. The way she sighs with ecstasy. The way she digs her nails into my skin.

Watching her come pushes me over the edge. A few more thrusts and I'm there. I groan her name, tugging at her hair as I rock through my orgasm.

I wait until I've spilled every drop to untangle our bodies.

I shift next to her, on one elbow. It's cozy, both of us on the couch, a sticky mess, but it's perfect.

She looks up at me with all the love in the world. "You got my office messy."

My lips curl into a smile. "I'll have it cleaned."

She traces the lines of my tattoo. "You promise?"

"I promise everything."



I pull my arms over my chest and dig my fingers into my thin sweater. There are two dozen people staring at me, waiting for my response. We don't have the light for the shot. We need to figure out an alternate plan. And we need to do it now, because there are only another fifteen minutes of sunset left.

This is the last shot.

Then we're done.

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