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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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"Angry break-up songs. I hate you for hurting me. I hate you and you don't love me. You have some of those too."

"You've thought about this."

"I love music."

"And film?"

She nods. "I've wanted to direct music videos since the first time I saw one." Her eyes go to her apartment complex. She pulls her purse into her lap. "I think about songs a lot. Not just yours."

"You're twisting the knife you stuck in my back."

"I'm sure." She presses her lips together. Hugs her bag.

I park on the street, turn off the car, undo my seatbelt.

Lacey undoes her belt and steps out of the car. She slams the door shut. "I hope I didn't ruin your attempt at chivalry."

Her voice wavers. She's nervous.

I step out of the car, lock it, move towards her. "Now that I know you're from the 909, I'll have to watch you and my car closer."

"Haha." She sticks out her tongue. "Because I'd steal it?"



"No." I hold her gaze. "You might stash meth in the glove compartment."

She laughs. "I look like I'm packing meth?"

"Your innocent look is what makes you a good go-between."

"Damn, you've got me all figured out." She moves up the stairs.

I take in her cute ass for a minute then I follow her up the stairs.

She stops in front of her door. Slowly, she pulls her keys from her bag and slides them into the lock. "It's late."

I nod.

"I should get to bed." She turns towards me. Her eyes fix on mine. Her lips part.

"You should."

She moves closer.

Her hand skims my hip.

I'm not inviting myself into her apartment.

Not tonight.

But I can't leave without tasting her lips.

I have to know what it feels like when she's really reacting to me.

I press my palm into her lower back and pull her body onto mine. Her crotch presses against mine. Her stomach. Her chest.

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