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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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I'm not sure why I expect anything different. I can't fucking help it. I push the phone aside and I use the shower in the downstairs bathroom. The hot water rinses off the salt and the sand. It gets most of the thoughts weighing me down.

Lacey wants more than vanilla sex. Her eyes light up when I mention bondage or pain.

Truth be told, my bark is a hell of a lot more than my bite. The reputation that precedes me is overinflated.

I enjoy tying women up. I enjoy having them at my mercy, being the one in charge of their pleasure. There's something intoxicating about being in control. Fuck, I like it all—issuing orders, using ropes, spanking, smacking asses with riding crops—

But it's not my usual thing. It's a toy. A value-add. I enjoy pinning a woman to the wall and fucking her brains out as much as I enjoy tying her to my bed and getting her screaming my name.

I don't need control, but, with the right woman, I enjoy it.

Lacey is holding on to some baggage that's adding shame where it shouldn't be. I don't know how to handle that.

If she wants to try this, I'm more than happy to be the one to introduce her.

But I have to do it right. Slowly. Carefully.

I have to make sure she trusts me and I have to make sure I trust her.

By the time I step out of the shower, I have an idea. I get everything I need, bring it to the bedroom, and dress.

A few minutes later, she steps out of the bathroom, a towel cinched around her chest. The soft blue light of twilight falls over the contours of her face.

It highlights the fire in her dark eyes.

She presses her lips together as her gaze goes to the blindfold on the dresser. "Is that for me?"

"If you want."

r />

She moves close enough to pick it up and examine it. She's slow about running her fingers over the satin fabric. "I've never done anything but vanilla."

"I'm not going to start with tying you to the bed and eating you out until you pass out."

Her pupils dilate. Her expression screams why not?

It's a good point. My cock is certainly on board with that idea.

I need to test her here. "Drop the towel."


I nod.

Slowly, she uncinches it and drops it on the floor.

She's fucking beautiful. Somewhere between slim and muscular, with slight curves, perky tits, and long, strong legs.

Her cheeks flush as I stare.

She presses her knees together.

Sinks her teeth into her bottom lip.

She looks up at me. "Mal…" Why aren't you touching me?

"Turn around."

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