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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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My lips brush her clit.

Her groan is poetry. Her groan is an offer of all her attention in exchange for all of mine.

Some part of me demands more, but it fades away as I flick my tongue against her clit. This makes sense. It's clear. It's fun.

No one risks their heart getting torn to shreds.

I dig my fingers into her thighs and pin them to the bed. No thinking. Not now.

Lacey groans as I lick her with steady strokes. She arches her back to press her cunt against my lips. She tastes fucking good and her eagerness sends that last remaining bit of blood to my cock.

Every part of me is heavy with that mix of anticipation and power.

Her orgasm is mine.

Her body is mine.

Only for now, but now is all I can offer. That means it's all I can take.

I sink to my knees. My fingers curl around her thighs. I pull her body closer as I taste every inch of her.

She groans as I work my way down and up again.

My mouth gets every fucking inch of her.

Lacey is writhing under me. Her breath is a mix of sharp inhales and heavy grunts of exhales. With one hand, she tugs at my hair. With the other, she claws at my shoulder. The sharp burst of pain spurs me on. That's need. Desperation.

That's fucking beautiful.

I work my way to her clit and I lick her with soft, slow strokes. I get harder and faster, until her breath hitches in that way that screams that's it.

It only takes a few flicks of my tongue to push her to the edge. Her thighs shake. Her stomach tenses. Her nails dig into my skin hard enough to draw blood.

She groans. "Mal, please…"

I flick my tongue against her, just enough to push her a little closer to the edge.

Her groan is agony as much as it's ecstasy.

I do it again.


"Mal…" Her breath hitches. Her hands knot in my hair.

She's at her limit. I pull back enough to blow cool air over her clit. Fuck, I can feel the ache in her core. I can feel her need in the way she's shaking.

In one

swift motion, I pin her legs to the bed, I bring my mouth to her clit, and I suck hard.

"Fuck. Mal. Fuck." She groans my name again and again as she comes.

I can feel her orgasm in the way she pulses against my lips. I can taste it. I can see that pleasure spreading all over her face.

That blindfold is still over her eyes.

She really fucking trusts me. The feeling of it washes over me. My cock is hard enough to cut diamonds, but that feeling of her trust is stronger than my need to come.

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