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Dangerous Fling (Dangerous Noise 4)

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"Not you, but I'm going to make sure Mal is disgusting. I know a makeup girl who will deliver," I say.

Everyone laughs. Even Mal.

I can do this. I can make this happen. "We'll need some set up—an altar and chairs. And guests will have to come in formal wear." An idea hits me like a bolt of lightning. It's perfect. "I bet we can get in touch with wedding planners who will let us use what's left over for a ceremony as long as we return all their equipment."

The guys nod.

"I'll make some calls," I say.

Mal pulls out his cell. "I'll put you in touch with our last producer. He can take care of this shit, so you can just show up with a vision."

I nod. I like vision.

Mal leans in to whisper, but before he can say anything, Joel jumps in.

"Listen, Waltz. We have to get back to the fucking venue cause we're on in ten minutes. But we're having an after-party tonight. You and Mal can dirty talk all you want there." He blows Mal a kiss.

Mal catches it and mimes putting it in his pocket. "Young, you know I'd never try to out dirty talk you."

Joel looks to me. "You know about the bondage, right?"

Oh God. So much for professionalism. My cheeks turn red. Then it's my chest. I'm pretty sure I'm on fire.

"He still hasn't broken in the riding crop I bought him." Joel winks as he stands up. "Just FYI."

Kit stands up. "Fuck. It's like you're trying to win a Most Obnoxious crown."

"Shit, you know how hard I have to try with Tom Steele around? Sinful Serenade is playing after us."

"You make Tom look like an amateur."

Joel waves away the compliment/insult with mock humility "You don't mean that." He smiles and takes another step towards the door. "Come on. Don't tell me you don't want to see your boy toy on stage?"

Mal leans in to whisper, "You want to come to that party?"

I nod.

"You want to come in my bed after?"

Fuck yes.

Mal doesn't kiss me goodbye.

It makes sense—we're friends with benefits, not lovers. We're in front of the rest of the band. I'm here as Lacey the music video director, not Lacey, the babe on Mal's arm.

Even so, my lips miss his.

I push it out of my mind as I collect my backstage pass and head for the main area of the club. It's a packed night, but I know my way around a concert crowd. I use the break between sets to squeeze to the front.

By the time the lights dim and Joel bounces on stage, I'm in the second row. Not that there are rows.

This is a packed show. The crowd is a mass. And they're already screaming and bouncing with excitement.

I let my eyes flutter closed and I soak in the atmosphere. As much as I love music, especially Dangerous Noise music, it's not what brings me to concerts.

It's the energy. The excitement. That feeling that I'm someplace where everyone loves what I love, where everyone is celebrating what I'm celebrating.

I push between a tall guy and his high-heeled girlfriend and grab onto the railing for dear life.

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