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Escape With Me (With Me in Seattle 16)

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“Well, it’s mutual. I love him very much.”

Maggie squeals and wraps her arms around me in a big hug. “Do you need anything?”

“I need to stop throwing up.”

“Crackers,” she says. “Stasia was this way. You need crackers, and maybe some chicken broth. And you should suck on hard ginger candies. Ginger is good for nausea. We have ginger ale at the bar, we’ll get you set up.”

“If I’d known I would get so much good advice, I would have said something earlier. Keegan knows nothing about this stuff. And neither do I. I’ve never really been around a pregnant woman.”

“Don’t worry, we know what to do.”

* * *

I’ve been sucking on ginger candies and eating crackers for twenty-four hours, and I already feel better. Maybe it was a mistake to not say anything to at least the other girls. I didn’t consider that they’d have so much good advice for me.

“Great job this morning, Izzy,” my boss, Roger, says as he approaches my desk. “I have to say, you’ve exceeded our expectations these past few weeks. Congratulations.”

I sit back in my chair and smile at the man I’ve come to respect since I started working for the news program. “Thank you. I’m so happy to hear that you’re pleased with my work.”

“We are. Listen, you just reported about the ice storm that’s likely to hit Portland tomorrow afternoon.”

“That’s right. If the models are correct, and they usually are, it should rain heavily all morning, and then start to freeze in the early afternoon. It’s one of those odd storms that rolls in during the fall sometimes.”

“I’m sending you down to cover it remotely for the evening news.”

I sit back and stare at the man. This is amazing. “Really?”

“Yes. Really. You’ll be on location, reporting back live to the anchors in the studio for the five o’clock and six o’clock news.”

“Okay.” I tap my chin, thinking of everything I have to get ready.

“Is there a problem?”

“Not at all. I’m making a mental list of everything I have to do. When will we leave? Will we be gone overnight?”

“I would plan for that in case the weather is so bad that you get stuck there. You’ll be just a team of two, you and Phil, who will drive and man the camera. He’s a veteran at this. Been here for twenty years.”

“I met Phil, he’s very nice. Okay, so what time will we leave?”

“Eleven in the morning to make sure you get there safely before the ice hits.”

I nod, and Roger walks away.

This whole job is my dream, but this part, going on location and reporting the weather as it happens, is something I’ve always wanted to do.

I don’t care if it’s in the middle of a blizzard, a hurricane, or an ice storm, it sounds like a lot of fun to me.

And now I’m being given the opportunity to do it. I take a deep breath and start to shut down my laptop so I can make my way home and give Keegan the good news. He’ll have to give me tomorrow night off from the pub, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Because it’s the middle of the morning on a Saturday, the traffic isn’t too bad, and the ferry makes good time across the Sound to our little island. The pub isn’t far from the dock, and I’m all smiles when I walk into the apartment.

Keegan is just pouring a cup of coffee.

I don’t say anything at all, just hurry over to him, grip his shirt in my fist, and pull him down for a long, passionate kiss.

“Someone feels better,” he murmurs when I pull back.

“I do feel better today. Maggie figured it out, the pregnancy, and she suggested ginger and crackers. It’s helped a lot.”

“She didn’t even say anything to me.”

“I threatened that she wouldn’t be my favorite anymore if she blabbed.” I laugh at the stunned look on his face. “Seems it worked.”

“I wish I’d known that’s all it took all these years. But I thought I was your favorite.”

“We won’t tell her.” I wink and then do a little happy dance. “I have good news.”

“Tell me everything. You were brilliant this morning, by the way. That blue pantsuit is gorgeous on you.”

“Thanks, I found it at the Rack for forty dollars. Anyway, I’m going to need tomorrow night off here at the pub because my boss is sending me down to Portland to report on location. Isn’t that amazing?”

“Based on how excited you are right now, I’m going to say, yes. It’s amazing.”

“I’ve always wanted to report from the field as the weather happens. Always, Keegan. And they’re sending me. Roger said I’m doing a good job.”

“Of course, he did. I have eyes in my head, don’t I? Even I can see that you’re fantastic at what you do. And I’m so proud of you. But I also want to make sure you’re safe, so give me the details.”

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