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Love, Art, and Murder – Mystery Romance

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“So I see why Patricia’s friend would’ve found the body, but how did she know to come out here?” Elle gripped the side of her dress with her free hand and lifted the bottom up while she walked with us. I kept my hold on her other hand so if she tripped or anything, I could prevent her fall.

“One of your men found a few discarded joints about twelve or so feet from here in that direction.” Detective White pointed toward the pond near the back gate. “I discovered on several security tapes that a lot of the artists snuck over there to smoke in the evening. Additionally, both girls were killed late at night. The first one had marijuana in her system and I guess came from the pond when the killer surprised her. I’m thinking whoever this person is, they know about the smoking happening out there.”

“Patricia did smoke a joint last night when I met her at the art gallery opening,” Elle added.

“They’re not supposed to have drugs on the property, so they must’ve figured out that no cameras were in that area and smoked over there.” I formed my lips into a frown.

“My thinking exactly.” Detective White stopped by the body. Elle gasped. I cringed at the sight.

“I’ll have someone patrolling that region from now on.”

Poor Patricia lay on the ground. Thank god for the light not working. The surrounding trees near the garden blocked out most of the moonlight. Shadows concealed most of the gore. I had to squint to truly see all of her. Her dress was torn at the bottom. Dirt smudged the fabric and her skin. Leaves sprawled over her face. Blood saturated her hair and made it appear redder than its original color. Her heels were missing; her panties wrapped haphazardly down her ankles.

“Oh my god. That’s Patricia. Is he raping them, too?” Elle let go of my hand and held her chest. I put my arm around her waist. She leaned her trembling body into me.

I’ll have to make this quick. She’s already shaken up.

“I know you got to view the first body yesterday,” I said. “Is he raping them?”

“No. It’s something worse.” Detective White took out a tiny pen flashlight, kneeled in front of Patricia, grabbed the end of her gown, and lifted it up so only he could see what was under. “Yes. This is our guy. It has to be.”

“How do you know?” Elle pressed the side of her shivering body against me as if she was having difficulty standing up.

Detective White looked at me. I nodded for him to go ahead and answer.

“Because this victim is also missing her vagina.”

I heard an intake of breath from Elle. “He’s cutting out the women’s vaginas?”

“Yes. It’s a clean cut with not a lot of blood. This person has experience working with bodies, maybe medical experience. The oddest part of all of this is that the first woman appeared to die before the killer cut her. I’m not so sure. From what the coroner told me, the person stabbed them in the heart after the girl was dead and then cut the vagina away. I don’t know where he or she may take it after that. I did a search around the grounds and couldn’t find it. I’m thinking the person takes it back to their home like a souvenir.”

Elle shut her eyes. “I’m going to go. You’re right, Alvarez. This was a bad idea.”

“Okay. I’ll walk you back.”

“No. You should stay here and listen to whatever else you need to.”

I glanced at poor Patricia and then turned back to Elle. “Trust me. I would rather walk you back to your room than stay here. Detective White, do you need me for anything else?”

“No. I’ll probably be here until early in the morning. Reece is compiling a list of all the guests. I’m going to call in more men to help on this case.”

“No problem. I’ll notify my assistant.”

Detective White rose.

I guided Elle away from the garden. The closer we got to the house, the more shuffling of people leaving came to my ears. Hex had invited many. It would be chaos until all of their contact information was put down and they left the property. My phone rang. I checked the screen. Reece’s name glowed.

I stopped and let go of Elle. “Hold on. Let me get this real quick.” I placed the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

“Sir?” Reece asked.

“Go ahead.”

“Several guards found Needa and Dayanara on the northern section of the moat.”

“Are they sure it was my grandma?”

“Oh yes. They were both covered in blood, but Needa threatened them with a curse if they wouldn’t let her go.”

“They’re covered in blood?” My stomach churned with unease.

Who’s blood? Patricia’s?

“Needa said she took Dayanara out to do a healing spell and that the blood was from a pig she slaughtered early this afternoon. I made sure the guards released her and got them both cleaned up. Dayanara is back in the attic. Needa is heading to her cottage.”

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