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Love, Art, and Murder – Mystery Romance

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“Mary Jane.”



“No. Thank you.” Alvarez tightened his grip on my hand as we strolled on. “What do you feel like doing? We can go to a nice lounge and relax with wine and conversation or we could run off to dance at—”

“I’m a horrible dancer.”

“All you have to do is follow.”

“I would have to do more than that.”

“Never. You’re with a Cuban man.”

“Oh goodness. I know. You all have romance in your blood.”

“Well, yes, but I was going to say that we also come out of the womb dancing.”

“Impressive. Romance in the blood, an extra heart to give to a true love, and natural dancing ability. I wish I was born a Cuban man.”

“No, Mami. You don’t need to be born one because you’re with one of the best. Let me show you.” In that moment he got in front of me and seized my waist with his left hand and my hand with his right. He twirled me around on the busy sidewalk. People spread out to give us space, laughing and clapping the whole time. The sound of a trumpet rose around us. What the hell? I looked around and saw a one-handed man blowing through his trumpet right next to us.

“We have an audience.” I tried to move my hand and cover my face.

Alvarez kept me moving and twisting to the trumpet’s rhythm. “Yes, Mami. Just like that. Look at those hips. You’re a natural.”

“And you’re insane.” I laughed, but couldn’t help to add my own moves with his.

More people formed around us. Other couples jumped in with their own dancing. At one point the couple on our right bumped into us a few times until we were more in the crowd with clapping people than on our self-made dance floor on the sidewalk.

“I think this is our cue to leave.” Alvarez panted and dabbed at the sweat on his forehead.

“I agree.” I could barely catch my own breath.

“We need to cool off.” He lifted me up in his arms.

A shriek left my lips. “Alvarez?”

“Relax. We’re going to the beach.” He ran across the street with me in his arms, dashing through cars that still sat in a traffic jam.

Sidewalk shifted to chilly sand and beach grass that leaned to the side when the wind blew by. There were no lights there. Only the moon guided our path. A few couples strolled toward the darkened sands and waves of water reflecting the diamonds of the sky. A cool breeze skittered across my skin and combed through my hair.

“It’s beautiful out here.” I lay my head on his shoulder and relished in the thickness of his muscular arms around me. “If I lived here, I would come up to this beach every night and just stare at the dark sky and ocean.”

On the beach, the city’s booming beat and electric pounding dissipated into the breeze. The ocean’s waves swallowed all of the noise, bright lights, and fast-paced partying. There was no competition. Peace settled down on us with each step. I glanced over Alvarez’s shoulders. South Beach transformed into a silhouette of faraway shapes and tiny people. And within the shadows I spotted a few guards scattered around us. I couldn’t make out any of their faces, just that they stood at the beach entrances and rerouted the few strolling couples to another end.

Alvarez slipped my sandals off my feet and lowered me. “How are you feeling?”

“Better than I’ve ever felt before.”

A breeze swished by and lifted my sundress to my knees. Sand gathered between my toes. My steps sank into the grainy soil. I left a trail of footprints behind. Salt thickened the air. I inhaled and tasted the bite of it on my tongue. “God. This is just amazing. Every beach is different. I’ve seen so many in California and all over the world, but one can never get tired of soft white sand and cool clear water glittering with diamonds.”


“All of those beautiful stars reflecting in the water.” I continued to raise my dress and walked to the water.

Surprisingly, the water was warm. The liquid swarmed around my feet and taunted me to move further, and so I did. A thrill stirred my senses. How long had it been since I’d laughed or danced like that? How long had it been since I spent time with a man who didn’t play mental games, flirt with other women around me, or cause chaos within his path?

Never. I’d never been with any other man besides Michael.

Alvarez rolled the bottom of his pants up and stepped into the ocean with me. Moonlight gleamed in his eyes and bathed his tan complexion in a taunting glow. The breeze ruffled his shirt and formed the material around his muscular chest with each fast current.

“You look so beautiful out here. If I was an artist, this is what I would paint.” He touched my hair as it writhed and twisted in the wind. “How did I get so lucky to meet you?” He moved closer to me. “What god or goddess should I thank?”

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