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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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Tears fell from Purity’s eyes and yet she smiled. “You don’t know what a relief it is to finally know why my father didn’t love me. I had always thought it had been something I’d done, or he abhorred my plain features, or he was ashamed of my deformity. It is good to know that it was because I was never truly his daughter.”

“I regret what you suffered because of your mother and me—”

Purity shook her head. “No, please don’t regret the love that gave me life. I am glad to know my mother and you loved as Arran and I love. And I am grateful that I will get to know my true father.”

Sadness filled Abbott Thomas’s eyes. “No one can know.”

Purity realized then why Arran had urged the Abbott to tell her. It was late and the Great Hall was empty, the servants having left for the night. No one was there to hear Abbott Thomas confess.

Purity smiled and reached out, her deformed hand taking hold of his deformed hand. “We both know and that’s all that matters.”

“I am proud of you, my daughter,” Abbott Thomas said, tears trickling down his cheeks.

“And I am proud that my father saved my life,” she said unable to hold back her own tears.

“I failed you all those years ago. I wasn’t about to fail you again,” he said, turning away, his tears choking his words.

“I am grateful to you, Abbott Thomas,” Arran said. “I’d never felt such dread as I did standing there and knowing I couldn’t save my wife. I knew I’d never make it to her to stop Freen from taking her life. And my only thought was that I wanted to die with her.”

Purity gasped. “No, Arran, you mustn’t think that way.”

Arran rested his brow to Purity’s. “I go where you go, wife, even if that means following you into death.”

“The good Lord spared you both,” Abbott Thomas said.

“You spared us both, Abbott Thomas,” Arran corrected.

Uncomfortable with praise, Abbott Thomas looked to Purity. “Before I return to the monastery, I would like to talk more with you and get to know you better.”

“I would like that and I also would like for you to visit with us often. While we can’t make up for the time lost, we can at least enjoy the time we now have with each other and also for you to get to know the many grandchildren Arran and I will give you.”

“She plans on being an extremely dutiful wife, Abbott Thomas,” Arran said and turned a smile on her. He should have known better than to think he could teasingly embarrass her.

“He better be an extremely dutiful husband, Da, and see that I’m often with child,” she said and choked back tears when her father’s tears fell more heavily down his cheeks.

“You truly make me proud, Purity, and I know your mum would have been even more proud of the spirited, loving, wise, and kind woman you’ve become,” Abbott Thomas said.

“Will you tell me about my mum?” she asked eagerly. “No one spoke about her and I’d like to know more about her.”

“I will tell you everything, but know you are much like her. You share your love of animals with her.”

Purity felt a swell in her chest. “That makes me happy to know.” It also made her realize that it was why Galvin had deprived her of any animal. It reminded him that she wasn’t his daughter.

The sudden tiredness that crept over her da worried her and she squeezed his hand. “You need to rest, Da. I’ve only found you. I refuse to lose you.”

“I feared this day and looked forward to it and it has turned out much better than I ever imagined,” Abbott Thomas said.

“It is one of the best days of my life,” Purity admitted. “The day I wed Arran being the best of all,” she said and turned with a smile to her husband.

It did Arran’s heart good to hear her say that, to know their wedding day was the best day ever, but he couldn’t help but tease. “And it was also your lucky day, getting me as a husband.”

Purity jabbed him playfully in the side with her elbow and he winced, though she knew it hadn’t hurt him in the least. She was happy that the old, playful Arran was showing himself more and more.

“You two are perfect together,” Abbott Thomas said.

“We are, though it took him a while to realize it,” Purity said with a smug grin.

“She’s right, though once I did realize it, I made sure she was mine forever.”

“Forever,” Purity confirmed with a whisper and met her husband’s lips when they reached for hers.

“You should retire for the night,” Abbott Thomas said with a smile.

“Not until I see you tucked comfortably into bed,” Purity said and stood. “And tomorrow we’ll have a long talk.”

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