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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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“We need to go,” Arran said, the words barely leaving his mouth when an arrow whizzed by his head. He looked to Quiver ready to roar with rage at him when he saw him on his feet another arrow set to launch and his eyes not on Arran but beyond him.

He threw himself over his wife and turned as he did to see one man on the ground an arrow sticking out of his chest and another man falling, an arrow in his throat. Arran hurried to his feet, ordering his wife to stay down as he drew his sword. He saw that Quiver had already had another arrow set in his bow as he approached. The man definitely was a skilled archer.

“The dog alerted me,” Quiver explained and looked to Princess, sitting in front of Purity.

“You did well. You may be an asset to the clan after all,” Arran said.

“I would like to have a clan to belong to—a home,” Quiver said, not a tremble in him, as he cast a glance around. “Do you think there may be more?”

“Princess would alert us if there were more lingering about,” Arran said.

Purity hurried to her feet, calling out, “King! King!”

Princess joined in with a bark.

Arran heard his wife’s worry and tried to ease it. “He probably went off to find some food.”

Purity was about to call out to him again when he suddenly appeared at the opposite edge of the woods from where the two men had appeared, licking his mouth as if he’d just finished a delicious meal.

Arran was pleased to see the relief on his wife’s face and felt it himself. King was family and it was his duty to keep them all safe.

“We leave now,” he ordered, grabbing hold of Hope’s reins.

Quiver was quick to take the lead, Princess joining him and King jumping up to settle on her back.

“Don’t kiss me again until we get home,” Arran demanded as Purity moved to walk beside him. He was surprised, or was it disappointment, when she didn’t protest.

“I understand,” she said. Their kisses were distracting to them both, leaving them vulnerable. She would do as he said for their own safety. She was just glad that he didn’t order her never to kiss him again. She had found kissing him more than enjoyable and wondered if he felt the same. She would ask but now was not the time.

They continued on in silence, Arran never far from Purity’s side, and his eyes constantly scanning the area. Arran allowed for only brief repasts and while she and Quiver sat, Arran didn’t. He paced and watched and ordered them to their feet after only a few moments.

By the time they stopped for the night, Purity was exhausted. She dropped to the ground ready to sleep, too tired to pay heed to her grumbling stomach. She heard Arran talking with Quiver but barely made out their conversation, her eyes growing heavy.

When she woke it was dark, a fire crackling nearby and the heat drifting off it and warming her along with one of Arran’s furs that was draped across her. A delicious scent tickled her nose and her stomach grumbled, reminding her of her hunger. She sat up to find Quiver sitting nearby eating meat from the animal on the spit that looked to have been cooking for some time.

“He went to scout the area,” Quiver offered when he saw her look around anxiously. He ordered me, Princess, and King and even his horse, Hope to guard you. He just left and won’t be long he said. Let me get you some meat. You must be hungry.”

Purity smiled. “You heard my stomach.”

“Mine was just as loud,” Quiver said and handed her a good chunk of meat. “Be careful it’s hot but delicious.”

Purity tossed it gently back and forth in her hands so it wouldn’t burn her and to cool it some. It wasn’t until she had eaten a few pieces that she asked, “Why did you refer to Arran as Satan?”

Quiver shook his head. “It was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have done it.”

“I’m not accusing you of anything, Quiver. I’m curious, that’s all. I’ve known Arran a long time and he’s a good man.”

“At one time he was from what others say.”

“Is it the time spent with the mercenaries that people believe changed him so much that they speak badly about him?” she asked, the thought of what he had been forced to endure to survive, leaving her heart aching for him.

Quiver shrugged.

It was obvious Quiver was hesitant to say, but Purity was too concerned for her husband to let it pass. “Please, Quiver, share what you know. It will help me to better understand and help my husband.”

“I knew you were a good soul as soon as I laid eyes on you. I shouldn’t have been a coward. I should have helped you.”

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