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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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Purity sat with her mouth agape and her eyes spread wide after Oria finished telling her how Wolf, the Northman and leader of the mercenaries, the man responsible for all that had happened to the Clan MacKinnon and other clans was her brother and went on to explain how their sister, Demelza and her husband Trevor have laid claim to Oria’s home, the Clan MacGlennen.

“It is a tale I found difficult if not impossible to believe. I met my true parents but I’ve yet to think of them as such. My memories of the parents who raised me are too strong and loving to think that anyone else could be my parents.” Oria wiped at the tears in her eyes.

“This upsets you. You don’t need to tell me this,” Purity urged, herself upset at seeing her friend in tears.

Oria smiled. “It is good to have a friend to discuss this with.”

“I can’t imagine how it must have felt to learn the news and know your brother was responsible for all the heartache we have all suffered. If it were me, I don’t know if I could forgive him.”

“Either do I. I struggle with it every day. At first my brother hadn’t known I was here, though when he found out he didn’t alter his plan. He made other plans he thought best for me and that’s difficult for me to accept,” Oria said, wiping away tears again. “Enough about that, though I would like you to meet my sister Demelza. I know you will like her. She is petite but so strong, standing up to her powerful husband, and she gave birth to the most adorable son, Aric, a few months ago.” Oria smiled through her tears. “No doubt soon you will be with child and we will all raise our bairns together.”

Purity’s hand went to her flat stomach. “I always feared who my father would force me to wed. I prayed that Arran would agree to marry me when my father presented the offer to Arran’s father. I wasn’t surprised when Parlan turned my father down.” She shook her head. “And I’m shocked that he’s now my husband.”

“Are you just as surprised to discover you love him?” Oria asked.

Purity laughed. “I discovered that a long time ago. I think it was his kindness that had me fall in love with him.”

“You would not think him kind today when he yelled at you, though I must say you handled it well, understood him even better.”

Purity grinned. “He’s falling in love with me but doesn’t realize it yet.”

“I wondered if you realized that.”

Purity’s eyes grew bright. “You realized it too?”

“It was obvious, though more to a woman than a man,” Oria said with a chuckle.

Purity’s smile softened. “It is good to be home and have a friend to talk with.” Her smile faded slowly. “I wish Raven could be here with us.”

“From what we’ve learned, Raven is alive,” Oria said, needing to remind herself.

“Raven will find her way home,” Purity said with confidence that was born of knowledge. Knowledge she couldn’t share for fear of bringing harm on Raven. She just wished for her swift return so that her family would not suffer any longer.

They talked more and of many things, including Purity’s clan and it wasn’t until a servant knocked at the door letting Oria know Wren needed her help with a delivery that the women left the solar.

Princess and King sniffed the air as they stepped out of the keep and Purity let Oria know she’d see her later before looking to each of the animals. “Hurry and get done, it will rain soon.”

They both took off and Purity strolled through the village, knowing they would find her scent and return to her when done. She smiled, taking in all the changes. New storage sheds had been erected, cottages had been repaired and some wore new thatched roofs while forest wreaths graced many doors. It was obvious hope had returned to the Clan MacKinnon.

Could her marriage to Arran bring hope and good change to her clan? She prayed it would. She didn’t want her children raised in the dismal surroundings that she’d been raised in.

Purity turned a corner and came to an abrupt halt, seeing Arran speaking with Flora. The woman wore a generous smile and she touched Arran on the arm with far too much familiarity. Why wouldn’t she? The two had shared many an enjoyable poke in the barn, and Purity knew that for sure since she’d been in the barn when they stumbled in and tumbled down on a pile of hay. She had remained quiet as a mouse for fear of being discovered and she had listened to Flora’s moans of pleasure and Arran’s loving encouragement.

She couldn’t see if her husband smiled at Flora, though the woman’s smile never faltered and after a few moments, Flora patted him on the arm and turned to hurry away. Arran turned then and his eyes fell directly on her.

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