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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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Wolf was generous with food and drink and Arran ate and drank as they talked. Arran had a slew of questions concerning his capture he had always thought to ask Wolf when he finally met him, but he had no wont to presently do so. That would wait for another time. Brynjar was more important. He wanted to know why the man was here and he wanted to make sure he got his revenge before the man left.

The glow of sunrise was barely breaking on the land when Arran woke. All he could think about was getting home to his wife. He missed her. Lord, did he miss her. He couldn’t wait to take her in his arms and—take her to bed. He felt a smile creep up on him, though it didn’t surface.

He got to his feet, ready to take his leave when he spotted Wolf headed his way and the angry look on the man’s face told him something was terribly wrong.

“What is it?” Arran demanded.

“Brynjar met with someone and now travels with him.”

Arran felt his gut twist. “Who?”

“Galvin of the Clan Macara.”

Chapter 16

No sooner as Purity’s eyes opened then she was out of bed. She couldn’t wait for her husband to come home, she missed him so much and he hadn’t even been gone that long. She hugged herself, though it was no substitute for her husband’s arms, but she could pretend and remember how comforting his strong arms felt around her.

She licked her lips and chuckled at how much she missed his kisses, then she looked to the bed and whispered, “Soon. Very soon.” And decided they wouldn’t wait until tonight to seal their vows. She chuckled again, thinking how she’d drag him to their bedchamber as soon as he arrived home.

She took extra time scrubbing her face fresh and cleansed her breath with mint. She braided her hair with ease, the three fingers on her one hand not hampering her from doing so. She had been left much on her own when young and having no one to help her, she had learned to fend for herself. She was glad she had. It had served her well through the years.

Quick steps took her to the Great Hall, the animals following after her, at least Princess did, King ran ahead.

“King is impatient this morning,” she said to Princess as they followed the cat to the door.

They rushed off once outside and Purity made her way through the village. She headed toward the front where Wolf’s men had camped, hoping she’d spy her husband in the distance. The bell’s sudden clang caused her to jump in fright. The bell wouldn’t announce Arran’s arrival. It was an alert that a troop of warriors was headed this way.

She glanced around at the anxious faces and spotted Quiver. He hurried her way.

“Who arrives?” she asked when he reached her.

“Your father with a troop of warriors.”

He paled and that worried Purity. “What’s wrong, Quiver?”

“Your father arrives with a troop of Northmen.”

Fear prickled her skin. “Wolf’s warriors will stop them from entering the village.”

“They are here to protect against attack. Your father brings this troop home with him. They have no reason to stop him or them.”

“Come and stand beside me to greet my father,” she said and gave a quick look around for King and Princess, but didn’t see them.

“It is better I keep at a distance,” Quiver said.

He was afraid and she couldn’t blame him.

“It will allow me to use my bow and arrow if necessary,” Quiver said. “I can get off several arrows before anyone can stop me and that will give you a chance to run if necessary.”

His thought had been to protect her and she was about to agree when she remembered something. “Weren’t you to take a message to Royden this morning?”

Quiver nodded. “I was about to leave when I found out who approached.”

“You need to go now before my father and the troop arrive. Tell Royden what goes on and that Arran is not here,” she urged.

“Arran wouldn’t want me to leave you,” Quiver argued.

“He would want his brother here in his absence and you can be there and back in no time. I can handle whatever goes on with my father and his guests until you return with Royden. Please, Quiver, do as I say. There is no time to argue.”

“I’ll hurry back,” he said and took off.

Purity went to the keep, King and Princess suddenly rushing toward her. They had sensed something was wrong and hurried back to protect her. She worried more over their safety than she did her own. Her father would not tolerate them and she feared who might be returning home with him.

“You both will stay beside me and if I tell you to go, you will go,” she said, looking to each of them. King turned his head away as if already ignoring her. “When I tell you to go, you will go find Arran.” That had King’s head turning back around. “And you will bring him here.”

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