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Entrusted to a Highlander (Highland Promise Trilogy 2)

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Purity didn’t think her father could shatter her heart any more than he already had, she was wrong. She couldn’t stop the tears that rushed to her eyes. She had always known her father felt that way but to hear him say it shattered completely what little hope that he at least cared the slightest bit for her.

She jumped as did her father when the door suddenly burst open with such force that it smashed against the wall.

Arran stood in the doorway, his hands fisted at his sides and his dark eyes fiery with rage. “Your wretched soul should have been the one that went to hell that day. Hear me well, old man, I love your daughter more than anything in this world. There isn’t a soul alive who could love her as much as I do, and I will protect her with my life and gladly die to keep her safe. And you, old man, will treat her with respect or I will hasten you to your grave.”

If only he meant it, was Purity’s first thought, then she admonished herself for doubting, then warned herself to be sensible. Then she simply stood too shocked at what to believe and barely heard what went on around her.

“How dare you speak to me like that,” Galvin shouted as he tried to hurry out of his chair.

Arran was in front of him in an instant and with one shove of his hand sent Galvin down in the chair. “You are a worthless father and worthless chieftain.”

“How dare you—”

“How dare I? How dare you not see to your daughter’s safety all these years. You didn’t even bother to search for her,” Arran accused and turned to his wife. Seeing the tears flooding her eyes, and soon to fall, he went to her, his arms reaching out anxious to wrap himself around her and ease her pain. She quickly tucked her head beneath his chin as he swallowed her in his arms, and he felt her warm, wet tears fall on him. He turned her away from her father, keeping his back to him, and kissed the top of her head, then whispered, “I’m here. You’re not alone. I’m here.”

“I assumed her dead,” Galvin said, annoyed as if his explanation was owed more attention than his daughter. “Especially when no one approached me about a marriage, not even a proxy one, after the attack. And that was fine with me since I didn’t want to be beholden to the enemy. There would be no way I could ever trust the man.”

That Galvin completely cared nothing for how much he hurt his own daughter angered Arran even more, not to mention how callous he’d been with marrying her to Brynjar. He turned his head to glare at him. “So you turn to an evil man who you could trust even less?”

“Brynjar contacted me and made an offer.”

That shocked Arran and it must have done the same to his wife since her head shot up and he knew she was as curious as he was to find out more. They didn’t have to wait, Galvin continued talking and Arran turned them both to face him.

“He told me that Wolf was hungry for power and would let nothing stand in his way of taking all the land in the area. He even suggested that Wolf could very well be saving Purity to marry for himself.” Galvin shook his head. “That was something I could never let happen. The Clan Macara would be doomed to obscurity. Brynjar gave me his word that the Clan Macara would continue on.”

“You’re a fool, Father, Brynjar lies,” Purity said, her tears having subsided, though leaving their remnants on her cheeks.

“You know no such thing,” her father admonished.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Galvin. Purity knows of what she speaks. Once Brynjar had Purity, he would see you dead and your clan would suffer unspeakable suffering and pain. He would move more of his warriors here to make it appear as if he intended to eventually conquer the area. He’d cause enough unrest and demand coin from the King for him to abandon his objective and return home, since his homeland is where he has all intentions of returning with wealth. By then he would have no use for Purity and he would see her dead along with any child she might bear him.” His chest tightened with the horrible thought.

Galvin snorted. “What makes you think you know this to be true?”

“I was a prisoner of Brynjar’s and I saw the evil he’s capable of and it is beyond anything you can imagine. He cares only about wealth and power. He is a depraved, reprehensible man.”

“Then it is good you married, Purity. The Clan Macara will live on.” Galvin turned a stern eye on him. “Remember, I’m still chieftain. You don’t get to lead this clan until I die. My word counts around here, not yours.”

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