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Highlander Oath of the Beast (Highland Promise Trilogy 3)

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“She’ll listen,” Wolf said.

“You don’t know her,” Royden warned. “She won’t listen.”

“I know the way of a warrior and your sister is a warrior. She is wise enough to know that if she does not let her arm heal properly, she’ll never skillfully wield her weapon again.”

Royden appeared annoyed but nodded. “You’re right about that.”

“Come, Oria, help me get Raven settled in bed where she will spend the rest of the day,” Wren said in a tone that warned of a lecture if her words weren’t heeded.

It wasn’t until later that night that Wolf joined his wife in their bedchamber. Her family had lingered long enough to be satisfied that Raven was safe and for Wren to be done and promise she’d return in two days to check on Raven.

He found her standing by the fireplace in a nightshift that had been provided for her and went to admonish her.

She held up her hand, keeping her injured arm close to her side. “Don’t scold me. I needed out of that bed if only for a little while.”

“A short reprieve,” he said and proceeded to disrobe.

She didn’t turn her eyes away, having grown accustomed to seeing him naked and not at all uncomfortable with it. How that had happened, she didn’t know. She hadn’t given much thought to coupling with him when the agreement had been made. It hadn’t been important then. What had mattered to her was her brothers’ freedom and reuniting her family. Now faced with the prospect, it seemed more daunting.

She went to turn away from the hearth and moved too fast, a pain shooting through her arm and turning her lightheaded. She did the first thing that came to her mind, she called out to her husband, “Wolf.”

He turned and it took only a few short steps to reach her side, seeing she had paled. His arms went around her and she dropped her head on his shoulder to rest and allow the lightheadedness to pass.

“Should I fetch Greta?” he asked, worried over her.

“No, some lightheadedness, that’s all,” she assured him.

“You are sure?”

“I am. It’s already passed,” she said turning her face up to look at him, not realizing he had lowered his head, leaving it far too close to her face.

Wolf tried to ignore her stunning blue eyes, intent on his lips, and a hint of passion sparking in them. He warned himself to look away, but the tip of her tongue stole out between her lips to roam slightly over them, and all was lost.

His hand went to the back of her neck, gripping it as his lips came down on hers with a need he had to satisfy—her need.

Chapter 8

Raven gripped his arm, needing something to keep her on her feet, her legs losing some of their strength as the most exquisite sensations rocked her body. His kiss was as strong and commanding as he was, taking charge, demanding she respond, and giving her every reason to willing do so. And she did. She didn’t want to resist or deny him. She enjoyed the feel of his lips and when the tip of his tongue teased her lips apart, she opened her mouth to welcome him.

Lord, but she was drowning in the most sensational pleasure. If a kiss was so pleasurable, she couldn’t imagine the immense pleasure coupling would bring. Instinct, curiosity, or need, she didn’t care what it was that had her pressing her body against his, she wanted to experience more. His arm went around her waist and pulled her tighter against him and when his hard shaft rubbed against her, it set off a sensation in her that sent a wicked shudder through her.

He silently warned himself to stop, no good would come of it. It could go no further. But he didn’t want to stop. He found immense satisfaction in the kiss, in feeling her pressed against him, of knowing she had a need for him.

Or was it for him? Or was it a need of hers that hadn’t been satisfied in some time?

The sobering thought had him ending the kiss and taking a hasty step back. Her hand fell loose of his arm and seeing her unsteady on her feet, he reached out and held her arm until her legs turned firm, then he moved away from her.

Annoyance or frustration had him lashing out at her. “Your kiss tells me you’re not inexperienced when it comes to a man.”

Raven kept the hurt of his barb from showing. While she had enjoyed the kiss, he evidently thought otherwise about it. And she decided the truth would strike much sharper than any barb she threw.

“Or it could be that it was my first kiss and I found it more pleasurable than I ever imagined it would be.” Truth was a powerful arrow and she was pleased to see her husband couldn’t hide the sting it had caused him.

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