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Highlander Oath of the Beast (Highland Promise Trilogy 3)

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Before Arran could say anything, Sten spoke up. “I saw you there. You are the brave one everyone talks about, the one Brynjar hates. The one who escaped him, then stole from him the woman who was to be his wife. He took his wrath out on many when he returned home a failure.”

“I don’t recall you,” Arran said.

“You wouldn’t. You didn’t see me. I was one of many who were forced to watch you and the other prisoners get whipped,” Sten said and shuddered at the horrible memory. “You were strong and brave and Brynjar hated that you didn’t fear him like everyone did. He intended to have his revenge against you. He planned to kill you and take your wife.”

That news unnerved Arran and he had the urge to rush home to Purity. He was glad he insisted she stay with Royden and Oria while he came here. He thought to stay the night if necessary, but not now. He’d head back soon.

Sten shook his head. “Suddenly, it all changed. Brynjar was intent on going after Wolf.”

Wolf explained to Arran. “Brynjar intended to force the woman, Eria, I had planned to wed into marriage. To see her kept safe, her family sent her here to me.”

Arran nodded. “Brynjar followed and being you took Eria from him, he intends to take Raven from you and get Eria for himself.”

“I don’t know about that,” Raven said.

“Why not? It’s obvious,” Arran argued.

“That’s just it. It’s too obvious,” Raven said.

“She’s right,” Sten said. “Brynjar deflects with something he cares little about while he’s actually going after something much more important to him.” He looked to Arran. “He wanted to marry the woman you wed, but cared nothing for her. It was the land he would get by marrying her that was important to him.”

“He wanted to make sure I didn’t have control of it,” Wolf said.

“You don’t,” Arran reminded.

“You would go against me? Against family? My sister is wed to your brother and I am wed to your sister. We are family,” Wolf said with a quirk of his brow that challenged Arran to deny it.

Arran muttered several oaths before saying, “Not by choice.”

Raven ignored her husband and brother’s bickering. She was too engrossed in what Sten had said. “If my death is meant to deflect from his real reason for being here, then what does he want that is so important to him?”

Sten shook his head having no answer. No one did.

Chapter 22

Raven found the silence, since entering their bedchamber several minutes ago, between her and Wolf unnerving. They never lacked in conversation except when making love and even then they exchanged a word or two. It was obvious what was on his mind… that he had all but heard her admit she was in love with him.

She wasn’t ready to discuss it yet, so she purposely diverted any talk of it by saying, “We need to find out why Brynjar is here.”

Wolf shed his garments as he spoke. “As I’ve said before, it wouldn’t be to see me dead. My death wouldn’t give Brynjar enough satisfaction, at least not presently.”

“I would say he was here for Eria, but there have been no attempts to abduct her.”

“He believes your death would bring turmoil, which he might foolishly think would make it easier for him to snatch Eria. Her father rules over several tribes in his region. With Eria being the only child, her husband would have a good chance of inheriting the position.”

“The problem is that Brynjar is so unpredictable,” she said, trying to ignore the passion that was burning slowly and steadily inside her as she watched her husband disrobe.

“It’s what puts fear in people. No one ever knows what he will do. He can’t be trusted, not ever. He lies with every word and cares for nothing. Your brother defined him perfectly—he is pure evil.”

“What made him that way?” she asked as her husband discarded the last of his garments.

Wolf approached his wife with slow, languid steps. “His father was a brutal man and more than likely instilled that same brutality in his son. My father and his father clashed several times, my father not only having more power than him, but having a strong friendship with the King.”

“So there has always been hostility between your families,” Raven said and began to shed her garments, thinking making love with her husband was another good way to distract him from discussing anything else.

“It got worse when Brynjar’s father died and he took control of his tribe.” Wolf helped his wife shed her garments, eager to hold her naked in his arms. “Some say he grew impatient to take command and sent his father to an early death. Brynjar’s sister and brother also met early deaths.”

“His mother?’ Raven asked, glad for her husband’s gentle touch after hearing such horror.

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