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Highlander Oath of the Beast (Highland Promise Trilogy 3)

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“I’ll hold you to that promise, wife, and I promise you the same as well.” His lips barely touched hers when the door burst open.

Gorm hurried in. “The sentinels in the keep spotted a troop headed this way—Northmen. They should arrive in a day or more.”

Raven was pleased to hear Wolf order, “Send word to Royden and Arran.”

“I’ll see everyone prepared for battle,” Gorm said.

“No,” Wolf said. “If Brynjar has anyone among us, word will be sent to him. Or if he has men secluded in areas we have yet to find or obscured from the keep’s sentinels, they will see and alert him. It is time to use the warriors I have positioned for just this moment. Get them in place and have them ready. Hagen will lead them.”

Gorm nodded.

“Has the body of the man in the woods been brought back?” Wolf asked.

“He has,” Gorm confirmed.

“Place him in the shed with the other dead man,” Wolf ordered. “Warn the sentinels to remain extra alert as well as the villagers. With Brynjar close there may be those who wish to gain his favor and fulfill any task that others have failed at, or mistakenly believe they would gain their freedom as Brynjar often falsely promises.”

“Lady Raven’s men wait outside. They plan to remain with her wherever she goes.”

“Send them in,” Raven said.

Gorm opened the door and summoned them in.

Raven didn’t wait, she spoke up as soon as they gathered in front of the table. “Brynjar heads this way with a troop of warriors. Wolf has things in hand, which Gorm will explain to you. Fyn, you will stay close to Greta and Tait. George you will keep watch over Eria. Iver see that Brother Noble is informed of the situation and have him remain where he is until it is done. You and Brod shall keep close to me when I’m not with my husband.” She turned to Wolf. “Does that work for you, husband.”

“It does, though I may need Iver’s tracking skills at some point.”

“I am ready whenever you need me,” Iver said with a nod.

“Do you think Brynjar comes for Eria?” George asked, wearing his worry for everyone to see.

“I don’t believe it’s his main reason for being here,” Wolf said. “Though I also don’t believe he’d leave her behind, since he would see it as failure. I’ll see that warriors are assigned along with you to watch over Eria.”

“Brynjar’s troop is no match against us,” Lars boasted.

“Brynjar has captured villages with far less men,” Wolf said. “He is sly and plans well, and he keeps his tongue to himself. He creates chaos before he even attacks and his victims fall easily when the final blow comes.”

“That won’t happen here,” Lars said with a strong resolve as he turned to the others. “Come, we’ll prepare for our unwanted guest.”

The men followed him out, their tongues wagging more rapidly than a bunch of women.

“They begin to work well together,” Wolf said as the door closed behind the men.

“They would since they are all good, skilled warriors.”

Wolf’s eyes settled on her wound.

“You’re not going to leave my side for the remainder of the day, are you?” she asked, though knew the answer.

“That smile of yours tells me you don’t mind,” he said, his smile matching hers.

“I miss you at times,” she admitted.

A playful scowl scrunched his handsome features. “Only at times?” She jabbed him in the chest and he grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss. “I miss you whenever we’re apart, even if it is only for a short time. It sometimes annoys me at how necessary you’ve become to my life.”

She looked about to laugh. “It’s good that I can still annoy you—in a good way.”

He kept hold of her hand. “We need to talk later—”

“About your grandmother?”

“She means a lot to me.”

“Worry not. We both may be stubborn women, but we’re not foolish women. Besides, we both love you and we’ll only make you suffer so much,” she said unable to stop from chuckling.

“You forget I’m called the Beast,” he said and with a low growl settled his mouth at her neck to nip and nibble.

She playfully shoved him away, his nips and nibbles far too tempting. “You can unleash the Beast tonight in bed. Right now I want to go see that dead man.”

“You prefer a dead man over me?” he asked as if wounded.

“Let me think on that,” she said scrunching her brow.

“I’m going to make you pay for that.” His dark eyes narrowed as passion shot like lightning through them.

She leaned closer, her warm breath briefly fanning his face as she whispered a single word. “Promise?” She hurried off the bench, fearful his response would have her rushing him off to their bedchamber.

It was his turn to chuckle. “Don’t trust yourself?”

“Not in the least. My body drips in readiness for you.”

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