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Brazen Bachelor

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I’m hard, throbbing, and I wonder what she would feel like wrapped around me, pulsing with need, slick and warm. My body stiffens as pleasure skitters down my spine. My muscles are tense, my veins corded in my forearm as I wank my dick to thoughts of just how tight she’d be.

It doesn’t take long for my release to shudder through me, and I can breathe again. But I know it won’t last long. I’ll think about her again the moment I’m in bed. And when I wake up.

By the time I get to my bedroom and pick up my phone, there’s a response from Violet, which makes me smile.

Violet: I would have to agree with you. The company was extremely satisfying.

A smile cracks on my face at her words. I haven’t felt any excitement with a woman in such a long time, but with Violet, it feels like being a fucking teenager.

Colton: Is that you agreeing to a second date?

Violet: Perhaps. Let me check my planner.

Colton: I can always buy you a new one. That way, it would be empty, and you can spend every day with me.

The moment I hit send, I want to pull it back. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s fucking cheesy and stupid. But it’s been sent into the nether, and I can’t call it back now. Instead, I focus on the three dots that dance along the bottom of my screen. When they stop, so does my heart.

It’s stupid to feel this for a girl who’s clearly closed off, but I can’t stop myself. I want to break down those walls she’s hiding behind. When she mentioned living in the shadows of her sister, I felt her agony, the frustration of not being seen.

I wanted to tell her I understood how she felt, but something tells me she wouldn’t have believed me. Even being in the spotlight, most of my adult life, I’ve always felt like nobody actually sees me. Not the Colton in the fancy new underwear, or the Colton who’s plastered across billboards, but I believe that over time, Violet will learn to know me.

When my phone buzzes, my chest tightens, but it’s only Simon checking up on me. I tap out a quick message that I’ll call him in the morning, but right now, I want to stare at my phone and wait for her to respond.

Violet: Who knew British men were so cheesy

A chuckle vibrates in my chest. Funny, breathtaking, and someone I want to get to know, Violet ticks my boxes when it comes to a woman. And the fact that she can give the banter, without getting angry at me teasing her, makes her even more unique.

Colton: Don’t kid yourself, we Brits know how to woo a lady

I hit send and can’t stop myself from grinning like a lovesick fool. Perhaps I should chat with Blythe tomorrow and ask her where I could take Violet. Somewhere private, so we’re out of the public eye, but I also don’t want her to feel like I’m trying to hide our relationship. If I can ever call it that.

I’m not used to dating someone who’s not in the business, so this is as new to me as it is to her. Picking up my phone again, I swipe the screen and hit dial on Violet’s number. I need to hear her voice.

After three rings, she answers, “Hello?”


“Are you missing me already?” she teases, but when I don’t answer immediately, a small gasp fills the speaker. “Are you …?”

“What? Missing you?”

“No. But are you?” she quickly asks, and I can hear the smile on her face.

Rolling onto my back, I settle in before answering her. “I was thinking about you, and you didn’t answer my text fast enough.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, your royal highness. In the future, I’ll ensure to tap out a message seconds before you’ve even sent yours.” She puts on her best posh voice, attempting a British accent but failing miserably, which only has me laughing out loud.

“That’s why I called.”


Silence hangs between us along the line before I reply, “To hear your voice.”

“Are you being cheesy again?”

Nodding to myself, I smile. “Maybe, but I’m also being completely honest. I know you don’t believe me. And to be fair, I don’t blame you, but I want to make sure that you get to know me. The real one, the person I am in the dark when nobody else is around.”

“I look forward to it,” she whispers back, and my mind is playing all sorts of filthy scenarios. Even though we’re talking about a heavy topic, the only thing I can think of as I listen to her gentle breaths as if she’s in bed. “You’ve gone quiet.”

“I’m thinking.”

“About?” Her prompt makes me want to admit what I’m thinking, but I wonder if it will be too much for her. Too much too soon. And I don’t want to offend Violet because I think we’re just moving on the right track. “I’m not a fragile flower,” she encourages when I don’t respond right away.

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