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The Accused (Theodore Boone 3)

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“I don’t think so. As far as I know, they haven’t caught the right people.”

“Do they still suspect you, Theo?”

“As of last Friday, I was their main suspect.”

She shook her head in disbelief.

Theo thought about Ike’s advice, readjusted himself in the chair, cleared his throat, emitted an “Uh,” and gave the clear impression that what he was about to say was not easy. “Mrs. Gladwell, if you knew a student here, a seventh grader, had a cell phone on campus, what would you do?”

She leaned back in her chair and chewed the end of her pen. “Well, I would talk to his or her homeroom teacher, ask her to approach the student, and if he or she had a phone, then we would confiscate it. The normal punishment is a half-day suspension, in school. Why do you ask this, Theo?”

“Just curious.”

“No, you’re not just curious. You know a seventh grader who brings a cell phone to school, don’t you, Theo?”


She stared at him for a long time, then began to figure it out. “Could this cell phone be stolen?” she asked.

Theo nodded and said, “Could be. Not sure, but it could be.”

“I see. And could this stolen phone be linked to the break-in at Big Mac’s last week?”

Theo nodded slightly and said, “Could be. I don’t know for sure, and I’m not accusing anyone of the theft.”

“The break-in is one thing, Theo, and it’s really none of my business. The police are in charge of that. But the possession of a cell phone by a seventh grader is a violation of the rules here, on my turf. Let’s deal with that first.”

Theo stared at her but said nothing.

Another long pause. Mrs. Gladwell waited, and waited. She finally looked at her watch and said, “Okay, if you want me to help you, give me the name. If not, it’s Monday morning and I have a thousand things to do.”

“I feel like a snitch,” Theo said.

“First of all, Theo, he or she will never know you told me. Second, and much more important, you’re the prime suspect in a crime that someone else committed. If I were you, I would do everything I could to find the real criminal. Now give me the name or go to homeroom.”

Trying to appear reluctant, Theo said, “Jonah Finn.”

Ike had said he had no choice but to deliver the criminal.

The 8:50 bell rang for first period, and Mr. Krauthammer dismissed his seventh-grade homeroom. As the boys were filing out of the room, he took a few steps toward the desks, placed his hands on the shoulder of Jonah Finn, and said, “Could I see you a minute?”

When the room was empty, Mr. Krauthammer closed the door, and said, “Did I see you with a cell phone in the hall about ten minutes ago?” He, in fact, did not, but this was part of the strategy.

“No,” Jonah snapped. He took a step back and looked thoroughly guilty.

“What’s in your pockets?” Mr. Krauthammer asked, stepping toward him.

Jonah reluctantly removed a cell phone and handed it over. A half-day suspension would not bother him. He had seen worse. Mr. Krauthammer looked at the phone, an Excell 7 SmartPhone, and said, “Very nice. Come with me.”

After a brief meeting with Mrs. Gladwell, Jonah was taken to a small study room in the library where he would be confined for the next four hours, under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Dunleavy, the librarian. His books were placed on a study table as if he were expected to plow through some extra homework as part of his punishment. Instead, Jonah put his head on the table and promptly went to sleep.

Mrs. Gladwell called Detective Vorman and gave him the registration number of the cell phone.

At Strattenburg High School, second period ended at 10:30 and was followed by a twenty-minute break. Tony Lambert, Woody’s brot

her, tracked Jessie Finn from a distance and watched as he left the main building and walked into the large open courtyard where many of the students killed time on break and during lunch. Jessie sat by himself at a picnic table and was about to check his cell phone when Tony came out of nowhere.

“Hey, man, I hear you got some 0-4 Tablets for a good price,” Tony said, glancing around as if a drug deal was in process.

Jessie eyed him suspiciously and said, “Who are you?”

“Tony Lambert, tenth grade,” he replied, shoving a hand forward. Jessie shook it reluctantly and asked, “Oh yeah, where did you hear that?”

“Word gets around. How much are you asking?”

“For what?”

“For an 0-4. I got fifty bucks.”

“Who told you I was selling something?”

“Come on, Jessie, word gets around. I really want that tablet.”

“I don’t have anything, man. I’ve already sold it.”

“Can you get another one?”

“Maybe, but the price has gone up. Seventy-five bucks.”

“I can get seventy-five. When can you get the tablet?”

“Here, tomorrow. Same time, same place.”

“You got it.”

They shook hands and Tony left. He walked inside the main building and sent a text to Woody. No deal, maybe tomorrow.

Theo’s Monday morning had been uneventful. During homeroom, Mr. Mount made a big deal out of welcoming him and Woody back to school, and there were some smart comments from his classmates. Most, though, seemed to be proud of their two buddies for not being afraid to take a stand. In first period Spanish, Madame Monique asked Theo how he was doing and seemed a little too concerned about him. He brushed it off and said everything was fine. In second period Geometry, Mrs. Garman acted as though nothing had happened, which suited Theo just fine. During the morning break, April informed Theo that Rodney had passed along the news that Jonah Finn had been in homeroom, but then disappeared. Rodney did not know where he was.

While Jonah was napping in the library study room, Detective Vorman arrived at the school and met with Mrs. Gladwell. The two of them casually walked to a row of seventh-grade lockers, not far from Theo’s, and she punched in the code for Jonah’s. Inside they found the usual assortment of textbooks, notebooks, supplies, and junk. Hidden in a three-ring binder were two brand-new Linx 0-4 Tablets. They took them back to her office where Detective Vorman, using rubber gloves, removed the back panels and wrote down the registration numbers. They then returned to Jonah’s locker and carefully replaced the tablets in the three-ring binder.

Detective Vorman thanked Mrs. Gladwell, left the school, and went to his desk at the police station where he checked the registration numbers against the list from Big Mac’s System. Not surprisingly, they matched. He reported his findings to Detective Hamilton, and they decided to get a search warrant for the Finn home. Vorman filled in the blanks of a standard affidavit, a sworn written statement, and set forth the details of what he had found. He also included a statement that the subject’s brother, Jessie Finn, had “allegedly” attempted to sell a Linx 0-4 Tablet to a classmate the previous week. Once the affidavit was completed and signed by Detective Vorman, he prepared a two-page search warrant in which he described the area he wished to search—the Finn home and its outbuildings. With his paperwork done, he walked four blocks down Main Street to the courthouse and left the affidavit and search warrant with the secretary for Judge Daniel Showalter, Youth Court, Division 1. The secretary informed him that the judge was in the middle of a hearing, and it might be two hours before he could review the affidavit and search warrant.

Detective Vorman walked back to his office, confident he had solved another crime, though a rather small one. He would have preferred to spend his time chasing drug dealers and serious criminals.

Chapter 23

At 3:15 Monday afternoon, Detective Vorman arrived at the school and went to Mrs. Gladwell’s office. He waited as she walked to a classroom on the second floor and pulled Jonah Finn out of last period study hall. Jonah, who had already endured a half-day suspension, mumbled, “What’s the matter now?” as he followed her from the room.

“Just follow me,” she said, and the two walked without a word back to her office. They waited in the reception area by Miss Gloria’s desk as the last bell rang and the students rushed out of the building. During the chaos of dismissal, Jonah and Mrs. Gladwell stepped into her office and closed the door. Vorman stood, flashed a badge, and said, “Are you Jonah Finn?”

He replied, “Yes.” He looked at Mrs. Gladwell for help.

“Have a seat,” Vorman said. “I’d like to ask you some questions.”

“Is something wrong?”


Jonah sat down and put his backpack in his lap. He was obviously frightened and not sure what to do or say.

Vorman sat on the edge of the desk and looked down at Jonah. It was not a fair fight. A tough cop in a dark suit and a frightful scowl glaring down at a scared, skinny kid with bangs in his eyes. Vorman knew exactly where the conversation was going; Jonah wasn’t so sure.

The detective began: “We’re investigating a burglary that happened last week at a computer store downtown, Big Mac’s Systems, and I just have a few routine questions. That’s all.”

Jonah took a deep breath, almost gasped, and dropped his head. He stared at the floor, his mouth open in shock. Vorman had never seen a guiltier face. “That

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