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Falling Away (Fall Away #3)

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Her eyes fell to the side, out the window again, and I could tell she was still loving the feel of my finger in her. She watched the people below us and grabbed my waist, continuing to grind into me.

“You like having them right there, don’t you?” I asked, following her gaze outside. “It’s okay, you know? There are no rules, Juliet. A pane of glass separates you from them seeing everything. It’s okay if that gets you off. Now tell me, what do you think about when you finger yourself?”

Her eyes shot to mine. “Jax.” She shook her head. “I …”

“Say it.” My lips tightened. “You’re driving me fucking crazy.”

“I think about you,” she rushed out, breathless. “I think about if I had let you give me a ride home two years ago, but you didn’t take me home.”

I closed my eyes, letting my forehead fall into the wall by her head.

“Jesus, keep going,” I begged, rubbing her clit. “I want to see if your fantasy matches mine.”

I’d thought about that night a lot over the years. I’d been disappointed when she wouldn’t let me drive her home, and I definitely hadn’t gone back to finish what I’d started with the two girls. I’d let them crash, and I went to shower and jerk off to the fantasy of K.C. peeling off that white summer dress in the backseat of my car.

I circled the hard nub of her clit faster and faster, feeling the pulse tap, tap, tap against my fingertips.

“You told me that you were going to kiss me,” she started. “Just one time before I left for college, and I wanted you to,” she whispered, her breaths shaky as I slid my finger into her pussy and came out to work her clit. “I wanted it so bad,” she continued. “But I couldn’t talk. The next thing I knew you took me to the falls. And you kissed me. Between my thighs.”

Fucking hell.

Her voice grew stronger, bolder. “You lifted up my dress, Jax. And your tongue licked me up and down,” she whimpered, sucking in a breath. “And I held your head there, because I didn’t want you to stop.”

She cried out and I knew she was coming. Her hips thrust into my hand, and she moved her hands up to my shoulders, digging her nails in.

I put my lips against her hot cheek. “And then what did I do to you?”

She let her head fall back as she moaned. “You turned me over the hood of the car onto my stomach,” she cried, “you yanked up my dress, and then you fucked me.”

Her mouth fell open, her eyes squeezed shut, and she cried out, moaning and gasping. I plunged my finger back inside her, feeling her body tighten and release around me, throbbing her quick pulse on my finger.

“Jesus,” I groaned, kissing her forehead and absorbing her body shuddering and shaking.

Her head fell into my chest, and I held her as her breathing slowed down.

“Jax, I—” She sounded nervous.

“Shh. Relax,” I said, even though my heart was still pounding like crazy, and my dick still hadn’t come down.

I pulled my shirt over my head and slipped it onto her, since her shirt was useless now. Sliding her limp arms in, she didn’t protest when I picked her up and carried her into my room.

“No more fun tonight.” I tried to keep my voice gentle, but they were the hardest words I’d ever had to utter. I wanted to strip, crawl under the sheets with her, mold my body to hers, and bury myself deep in her warmth all night.

“I don’t prey on girls that just ended five-year relationships, okay?” I said. “You’ve got time before I really start trying. Maybe tomorrow night.”

“Great,” she mumbled, sounding sarcastic but cute.

Laying her down, I shut off the light and kissed her lips. “Go to sleep. I just have some things to take care of, but I’ll be back up soon.”

Her eyes closed, and the two ever-present little wrinkles between her eyebrows disappeared as I watched her drift away.


Someone pounded on my door, causing me to jerk. “Jax, you in there?”



I shot up in bed, fisting the sheet, as Jax strode for the door, whipping it open.

Looking over, I saw a young guy, nicely styled black hair, tattoos scaling down both arms, with several facial piercings. He peered around Jax, taking notice of me, and I immediately pulled the sheet up, embarrassed. I was fully clothed, but I was still trying not to be “that girl.”

Yeah, I needed to get over that.

“A couple of the guys have someone cornered downstairs,” he said to Jax. “Apparently someone saw him putting something in a girl’s drink. You want to deal with this?” he asked Jax, and then looked at me again. “Or you want us to handle it?”

Meaning Jax looked busy.

This guy wasn’t being snide or suggestive. He was asking Jax as though looking for orders. I turned away, shaking my head.

“Juliet, stay here,” Jax commanded, and I jerked my stunned gaze over to him just as he slammed the door shut.

Um, what? My eyes burned like light sabers at the closed door, and I clenched the black sheet. Was he serious?

Yeah. No. I wasn’t following orders like Jaxon Trent’s latest toy.

Throwing off the covers, I went to the mirror and smoothed my messy hair, pushing away the delicious burn of him pulling it earlier. Then I tucked in the front and back hem of his T-shirt so it wouldn’t make me look as though I had nothing on underneath. It wasn’t particularly baggy, but it was long as hell.

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