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The Runaway Christmas Bride

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The relief was instant. She wasn’t going to run screaming from the building. He hadn’t expected to invite her back, but he was reasonably house-trained and the place was tidy. He hung up her coat in the closet and walked through, switching on the large screen TV on the wall and handing her the remote. “Any preference what beer you drink?” he asked as he walked to the kitchen.

“Surprise me,” she said with a wave of her hand.

She plunked down on the sofa and curled her legs up under her. She looked instantly comfortable. She looked as if she belonged.

The edges of his lips were turning upwards as he reached into the fridge. Sure, he’d had girlfriends back at his place before. But he’d never felt this relaxed about it.

He grabbed the beers and went back through as Emma flicked through the TV menu. “Nope, nope, nope.” She raised her eyebrows at one. “Definitely nope, boring, sports, blah, blah, blah, aha! Perfect!”

He watched as Han Solo and Chewbacca started a battle with another ship.

“A sci-fi girl, eh?”

She reached for the beer and took a swig. “Every. Single. Time. What else is there?”

He sat down next to her on the sofa. “Star Wars or Star Trek?”

She gave him a serious glance. “Well, both, obviously.”

“Uh oh. I’ve got a professional geek here.”

She stuck out her tongue. “And I’m stuck with the jock. Looks like we’re a perfect match.”

He laughed. “Okay, then. Next Generation or Deep Space Nine.”

She waved her hand. “You have to even ask?”

“Kirk or Picard?”

“Picard every time. But I am beginning to get a little partial to the new style Kirk. Then again, the new Spock.” She gave a fake little shudder. “Yes, please.”

“Looks like I’m gonna have to get a Star Trek costume.”

“Oh, I’ve already got mine.”

He turned to face her on the sofa. “Tell me you’re joking.”

Her face was deadpan.

“You’re not?”

She gave a little smirk. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

He sagged back against the sofa and took a long swig of beer. “Whoa. Well, there’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

She stuck her head on his shoulder. “Good.”

There was silence for a few seconds. The electricity in the air between them could probably light up the Christmas tree in the courtyard and all the street lights in Marietta.

“Is Marietta real?” she whispered.

He reached down and threaded his fingers through hers. “Why do you ask that?”

“Because I feel like I’ve lived the last couple of weeks in a dream. I’ve found you, this place, a job, Bramble House – all because I was tired and decided to get off the highway. I keep thinking I’m dreaming. I keep thinking I must have actually wrecked my car at some point and this is all just some weird dreamlike state.”

He gave her hand a squeeze. “Well, in that case, I’ve been living the dream for the last few years. I’m like you. I found this place by pure chance. I just haven’t found a single reason to leave.”

He took a deep breath. It was time to probe a little further. “What about your family? Have you spoken to them yet?”

She nodded. “I didn’t take their calls for a few days – just answered the texts. It was simpler. I told them I didn’t have a good reception and couldn’t talk.”

“And now?”

She heaved a sigh. “Well, they know. I’ve been offered flights home, a place to stay with my aunt, flights to Australia, where my sister and parents are right now. But I don’t want any of that.”

“How come your sister is in Australia?”

“She went backpacking for a year, met the love of her life, and never came home.” She sounded kind of sad.

“Is she older or younger than you?”

“She’s four years older. It’s tough on my parents. Their grandkids are on the other side of the planet. They can’t just open the door and walk down the street to see them.”

A thought flickered through his head. Emma. She could give them grandkids. But did that mean she’d want to be back in Scotland? And did that mean she wouldn’t consider him once she knew the truth?

There were so many factors. So many things to consider. So many things he really didn’t want to think about.

“Do you think they’ll move there sometime?”

She nodded. “Probably. When they know everything they need to know.”

What did that mean? It was an odd thing to say. And he wasn’t quite sure if he should ask.

“Will you?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. I just need some time to decide what I want.”

This woman gave the most cryptic answers in the world. If she hadn’t looked so serious, he would have thought she was winding him up.

He was only a few inches away from her. He moved forward the tiniest bit. He had to ask.

His voice was low, “So, what do you want, Emma?”

She blinked, her blue eyes fixed on his. “That’s the thing,” she whispered. “I know what I want. But part of me tells I shouldn’t.”

“Why not?” It was almost a growl. He could practically smell pheromones in the air between them.

“Because it’s too soon. It’s only been a few weeks. I should take my


He made himself pull back an inch. “Is that what you want?”

She shook her head and pushed herself up onto her knees beside him on the sofa. One hand touched the side of his head. “Nope.”

Now, she was smiling. Now, she didn’t look unsure.

Her fingers ran through his hair as she moved one leg and positioned herself on his lap with her whole body facing him.

His hands went automatically to her hips, raising his towards her and almost anchoring her there.

It was so easy to let his fingers slide just a little under the edge of her top and feel her warm, soft skin.

She lowered her lips to his. There was tiniest hint of raspberry as he tasted her. Touched her, caressed her.

One hand reached up and tangled in her hair. It was like silk, slipping through his fingers easily. He caught her head at the back of her neck, pressing her even closer.

A woman like Emma should be loved, cherished, not cast aside. Any guy who let her go was clearly crazy.

Her lips parted for him. Her tongue teasing. Momentum was building. Anymore and he wouldn’t want to stop.

“Emma?” It was a question he had to ask.

He had to know she was sure. He had to know this was exactly what she wanted.


She didn’t hesitate. The word was crystal clear.

So he didn’t hesitate either. He picked her up in his arms and carried her straight through to the bedroom.

Chapter Eleven

Waking up in a strange bed was something she’d gotten used to in the last few weeks, but waking up next to Mitch Holden was something else entirely.

The sun had already started to stream through the windows and her heart gave a little leap. She’d be late for the breakfast shift.

Thing was, Mitch was a holder. His right arm was over the top of her, more or less locking her into the spooning position that she was finding way too comfortable.

And in the cold light of day she actually had a chance to look around his bedroom. Apart from the fact the floor was scattered with last night’s clothes, the place was actually pretty smart.

A thick, cream carpet, cream and red striped curtains, and a cream and red bedspread. He must have picked the whole thing out of a catalogue. She couldn’t imagine Mitch Holden spending a few hours bedroom shopping. The sight of a matching picture on the wall and lamp on the bed stand almost made her laugh out loud. Yup. He’d just ordered everything that had been on the pages.

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