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The Runaway Christmas Bride

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“What did you say?” She could barely hear the words herself but The Graff had become strangely silent.

Right now she could hear a single fragment of tinsel drift through the air and reach the floor.

Mitch took another step forward. “I’m sorry, Emma. I’m so, so, sorry. I got this wrong. I got this so wrong.”

She straightened her shoulders, aware that there were twelve other sets of eyes on her.

She was trying to be strong. She was trying to pretend this wasn’t playing out in a public forum.

Her voice wavered, “What did you get wrong, Mitch?”

He took the last few steps towards her, his gaze meeting with hers. “I should have told you. I should have told you from the second I realized how I felt about you. From the second that I realized you were different to any other woman I’d ever met.”

The woman sitting directly in front of her gave a little sigh and pressed her hand to her heart.

Emma’s breath was trapped somewhere in her throat. Was this going to be good, or bad?

She blinked. There were more than twelve sets of eyes firmly on them. He’d just poured out his heart. Revealed his biggest secret – in front of a room full of people that would spread the story around Marietta in a second.

She grabbed his arm and walked backwards, pulling him towards the kitchen door. She didn’t want everyone to hear this.

The kitchen was noisy. Everyone else was too engrossed in their work to hear what was being said.

“Mitch? Why are you doing this? And why didn’t you tell me?”

He reached out his hand towards her cheek. “I was scared, Emma. Scared to tell you that I couldn’t give you the family that you want. Scared that if I told you, you’d disappear out of Marietta as quickly as you’d shown up.”

She felt exposed. She felt vulnerable. And she could have been angry. But Mitch had just made himself vulnerable, too.

“You know why I can’t have kids, Mitch. But why can’t you?”

It was the most personal question in the world. But she’d been honest with him. It didn’t seem wrong to ask.

“The accident that ended my professional football career also ended my chance to have kids.”

She felt her legs start to shake. “That’s what your scar is?”

Mitch stepped forward, blocking out her view of the rest of the kitchen.

His gaze was steady. “That’s what the scar is.”

“So why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’m a guy. And my timing sucks. I’ve seen the way you look at kids, Emma. I know that you want them. And I didn’t want to be the guy that took that chance away from you. Biology doesn’t matter here. Our crazy bodies don’t matter here.”

He reached up and ran a finger down her face. “Kids. I’ll be honest. I want them, too. And I’m not afraid to say that.” His finger stopped moving. “But here’s the thing. There’s only one person on this planet I want to be part of a family with. We just can’t have our family the traditional way. Please tell me that, if we can’t foster, if we can’t adopt, I could be enough for you.”

The words were like a fist gripping her heart and squeezing tightly. He got it. He really got it. He understood the way that no one else could.

A tear slid down her cheek. “You’ll always be enough,” she whispered.

His other hand came up and touched her other cheek. “I love you, Emma McGregor. I love you with my whole heart. I don’t want to spend a single day without you. I want to listen to that accent for the rest of my life and spend my days trying to work out what on earth you’re telling me. Please stay, please tell me you’ll give us a chance and you’ll stay.”

All she could see was him. All she could smell was him. All of her senses were currently on overdrive. The touch of his fingers on her skin was like a butterfly’s wings.

She blinked. Her eyes were full of tears. She put her hand over his.

“But you didn’t tell me.” Her voice was shaking. “You didn’t love me enough to tell me.”

He shook his head and put his hands on her shoulders. “You know that could never be true. Tell me you know that couldn’t be true. How did you feel when you thought about telling me? Did you feel sick? Miserable? Did you wonder if it would end what was happening between us? Because that’s how I felt. I didn’t want to lose you, Emma. I didn’t want to lose you for a second.”

He took her hand and pressed it to his heart. “What’s in here is all for you. Yesterday, I made a promise to let you speak and go. It was worst thing I’ve ever done. You are the bravest, strongest woman I’ve ever known. I didn’t think it was possible to love you even more, but I do. And I promise you, I’m going to love you a little bit more every, single day.”

She took a deep breath. He was right. Of course he was right. Because she’d felt exactly the way he just described. Mitch. Her Mitch loved her just as much as she loved him.

“A few weeks ago, I thought my chance of happiness was gone. And then I ended up here.” She held out her hands. “This wonderful, crazy, mad town. And then I met you. My jock in shining armor. What if I’d taken the other road, Mitch? What if I’d turned the other way?”

She was looking at what was in front of her. What she was being offered. And a part of her was terrified that this could have so easily just have slipped through her fingers.

He threaded his fingers through her hair. “You came exactly where you were supposed to, Emma. These things are bigger than you and me. Bigger than Marietta.” He leaned forward with a smile and whispered, “Sometimes, it takes a little magic lake water, or a little magic cookie dust. Sometimes it just takes a little love.”

A voice shouted through the kitchen door. “What’s going in there? We’re all dying with the suspense. Come back out. Mitch, have you got your girl?”

She smiled, breathing in and trying to make room in her body as her heart swelled. “I love you, Mitch. You play the wrong kind of football. But maybe I can learn to love it, just like I love you.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back outside. All the women were on their feet waiting anxiously for the next move.

He gave Emma a wink. “Let’s make this public.”

Mitch bent down on one knee and the little breath in her body left in a sudden rush.

The women started to cheer and clap. “This is the best afternoon tea I’ve ever been to. Wait until I see that Troy Sheenan!”

He pulled a box from his pocket and flipped it open, his sea green eyes fixed on hers. “Emma McGregor, your reputation precedes you. You’re known in these parts as The Christmas Runaway Bride. I haven’t bought you an engagement ring. I’ve cut straight to the chase. This is my grandmother’s wedding ring.” He lifted his eyes upwards and gave a little laugh. “And I just know she’s loving every minute of this.”

He took her hand. “If you agree right now, I’m not letting go of your hand. I’m taking you straight over to the courthouse to apply for our marriage licence. What do you say, Emma? Will you consider being Mrs. Holden and giving Marietta a chance?”

It seemed as though the whole room sucked in and held their breath all at once.

“Yes,” she said simply, then she threw up her hands. “Yes!”

Mitch was on his feet in an instant. He picked her up and spun her around, kissing her the whole time.

“Do we get to come? Do we get to come to the wedding?”

The faces were blurred as Mitch kept her spinning.

“You all get to come!” she squealed.

The runaway Christmas bride had found her home.

Chapter Fifteen

Lisa Brady had seen some strange sights in her time in Married in Marietta but this had to take the biscuit. There were so many people crammed in the front shop she could barely see out the front window.

“Yes?” she said warily, frankly a bit scared to ask.

The crowd parted and Emma McGregor pushed her way through. She was carryi

ng something heavenly, a huge box of Sage’s chocolates and a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.

Lisa folded her arms across her chest. “I sense bribery – of the best kind. What can I do for you, Emma?”

Emma smiled nervously. “I need a dress.” She held up a piece of paper. “I have the licence.” Then she held up her hand. “And I have the ring. I just need a dress.”

Lisa was confused. “You have the ring?”

Emma had the daftest grin on her face. “Yeah, he told me he had to get it on me quick.”

Lisa gave a nod. The smell of hot chocolate was practically making her drool. “When do you need a dress for?”



Emma turned her head and looked at the packed rails apologetically. “I’ll take anything that fits.”

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