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The Runaway Christmas Bride

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“You can’t.”

“What do you mean we can’t?” Andrew was growling down at Kenny now and glancing at his watch.

Kenny folded his arms across his chest. “I mean you can’t. It’s in your contracts – a clause. If there’s an emergency situation, and we need to reshoot – you have to be available.”

Juliette felt her anger start to build in her chest. “This isn’t a reshoot, Kenny. It’s a whole new episode.” She waved her arms around the pub. The rest of their staff were on their way home, dreaming of a merry Christmas. “And there’s no one here to do it.”

“There’s you two. And that’s all we’ll need.”

She wasn’t buying it. Those chocolates just off Oxford Street were currently calling her name. Christmas was going to be miserable enough without having to work in some old creepy haunted house. “No. I’m not doing it. I’m going home. There’s no crew. No script, and nowhere to film. And what kind of emergency means that our network needs a brand new episode out of nowhere?”

“The kind where a kid in one of the other episodes was just hit by a car. His parents have requested the episode not be shown – they don’t know what’s going to happen with their kid right now.”

It was as if the wind had just been knocked out of her sails. “Oh.”

There was a thud behind her as Andrew’s rucksack hit the table behind her.

“Which kid?” Her voice was hoarse and every hair on her arms stood on end. They rarely had kids on the show and she knew the answer before he even said it.

“Bailey Clark.”

“How is he?” Andrew echoed the words in her head.

“I have no idea. It was one of the other family members who phoned.”

Bailey. Gorgeous, cheeky nine-year-old who claimed an ancient mariner appeared in his room every night. It had all been nonsense but filming had been fun, and it was set to be one of the most entertaining episodes of Haunted Ever After.

Kenny was still talking. He obviously didn’t realise the effect his words had already had. “Your contract says you have to help. I’ll find you a venue where you can film. We’ll have another haunted house on the files somewhere. Andrew can take a camera and sound equipment and film and Juliette, you can make up the script as you go. You’ll be fine. You always are.” He was babbling, obviously starting to get a little desperate. “In a way, it’s good that it’s you two left. You’re the only two in the production crew that are single and don’t have family commitments. You’ll manage, I’m sure. I’d hate to have to ask other members of staff to be away from their families at this time of year.”

It was almost as if he were twisting the knife straight into her stomach. Way to go, Kenny. Remind her that she was single with no family.

His face paled as he realised his mistake. But Andrew got in there first. “Actually, Kenny, you’re wrong. I do have family commitments. Ones that I can’t break over Christmas. I have to go back to Scotland. My train leaves in the next hour.”

Kenny opened his mouth to speak again but Andrew held up his hand, his eyes flitting over to Juliette. “Of course we’ll do it. And don’t worry about finding a venue. I know of a place that’s supposed to be haunted that we can have access to.” He turned to face Juliette. “I’ll pick up a camera and sound equipment from the office on the way to Euston station.” He gave her a quick look up and down. “Will you have time to grab some gear?” He pulled out his phone. “I’ll book you on the same train as me.”

She hesitated. How could she say no now? She couldn’t. It would make her look heartless and she certainly wasn’t that. Trouble was, she’d changed into jeans and a thin top for the Christmas lunch. It wasn’t what she normally wore in front of the cameras for Haunted Ever After. The audience were used to seeing her in smart suits and shoes.

“I live too far away. I’ll just go and buy some clothes on Oxford Street. It shouldn’t take long.”

Andrew raised his eyebrows. “And you can be at the train station in less than an hour?” His tone was riddled with disbelief.

She picked up her bag. “You’ve obviously spent your life shopping with the wrong women, Andrew. Of course I can. Tell me what time and what platform.”

He was smiling now. Just as sexy as before. Perfect teeth, and deep green eyes. Maybe she should have paid attention before now?

“Platform three, Euston. See you then.”

Kenny dug through his pockets and pulled out a company credit card. “Put any of your expenses on this – including your clothes. And thanks, guys. We need the film by the 28th.”

Juliette glanced at her watch. Thirty minutes. That’s around the time she’d have to shop then head for the tube station to get to Euston. It was only two stops but it would be busy.

Andrew had already walked out the door. Her stomach started doing flip flops. Christmas with a handsome guy she hardly knew in a haunted house in Scotland.

Perfect end to her year.

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