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Standing His Ground: Greer (Porter Brothers Trilogy 2)

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Putting her purse in the drawer of her desk, she tapped on Diamond’s office door before opening it with a smile to see her boss engrossed in paperwork.

“Good morning. You’re early today,” Holly greeted her.

“Caleb called me last night. He wants to meet me before court.”

“You should have texted me that you needed me here early. I would have opened the office for you.”

“I can open the door with a key just as easily as you can,” Diamond reproved her sternly with a twinkly glint in her eyes. “You’re already working over forty hours a week if you include the work you do on the computer at home, despite filling out your time card at twenty.”

Holly started to protest, but Diamond cut her off.

“There is no way you’re getting the amount of work I’m seeing on my desk in the morning done without you spending hours on it in the evening.”

“I just want to make your workload easier.”

“How about your workload?”

“I get bored at night. It gives me something to do in the evening after Logan goes to bed.”

Diamond raised disbelieving brows. “And it’s not because you don’t want me to hire someone else to help you around the office?”

Tensely, Holly searched Diamond’s eyes. “I can work harder …”

Diamond sighed. “Holly, I was thinking of hiring someone else to help you out,” she explained softly. “Not to increase your duties.”

Holly glanced away from her perceptive gaze. “I don’t mind. I love my job.”

Diamond stood up to lean across her desk. “If I hired five employees, no one could take your place.”

She gave her a trembling smile. “I appreciate you saying that; it means a lot. I owe you so much … I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Holly, you’ve never disappointed me … ever.”

“Yes, I have. When Mitch and I tried to break into your office to find the autopsy report. You could have been hurt. I’ll never forgive myself for breaking your trust.”

“You’ve never broken my trust,” Diamond argued back heatedly. “You were trying to find out how Samantha died because you were concerned about Logan’s health. You didn’t know that Mitch would go ballistic when I showed up unexpectedly. You kept Mitch from hurting me. And if you had left without finding out what was wrong with Logan, he could have become seriously ill with his kidneys. You did everything you could to keep Logan safe. He may have the Porter last name, but he’s your son.”

Holly wanted to burst into tears. “You’re an amazing woman, Diamond. I can see why Knox loves you so much.” She rose to stand in front of her boss, giving her a brief hug. “I’ll fix some coffee. I’m sure Caleb will be here any minute.”

“Don’t remind me. I have a feeling I already know what he wants.”

Holly paused, about to question her, when she heard the door open in the front office. “If it’s Mr. Green, I’ll send him in.”

“Thanks, Holly.”

She opened the door to see Caleb Green standing in front of her desk. “Mrs. Richards-Bates will see you.” Holding the door open for the Commonwealth’s Attorney, she shyly lowered her gaze as he passed her.

“How are you this morning, Holly?”

“Good. And I’ll bring you a cup of coffee.”

“That’ll be great. I take cream and sugar.”

Holly blushed at the friendly smile he gave her, nodding her head before she hurriedly closed the office door. She always set up the coffee pot before leaving for the day, so all she had to do the next day was push a button.

She sorted out Diamond’s mail as she waited for the coffee to brew. When it was finished, she carried the coffee into the other office, the tension in there striking her as soon as she entered.

Giving Diamond a worried look, she was uncertain if she should retreat or stay with her boss. However, Diamond gave her reassuring glance, taking her coffee from her, and Holly went back to her desk.

She became engrossed in her work. It was when the door to Diamond’s office opened that she looked up at the clock to see that an hour had passed.

Holly expected Caleb to leave right away as he shut the door behind him, but when she looked up again, she saw him standing beside her desk.

“You look like you’re hard at work.”

“Mrs. Richards-Bates has a lot of clients,” Holly quipped as she picked up the letters she needed Diamond to sign before she left for court.

He still didn’t leave.

She nervously picked up an ink pen to keep her fingers busy.

“Do you have any plans for lunch?”

Startled, Holly looked up and asked, “Me?”

“Yes, you. I hate eating alone. We could eat at the diner or King’s if Diamond wouldn’t mind you taking a long lunch.”

“Oh, um … Thank you, but I don’t take lunch. I only work half days.” Becoming flustered from his scrutiny, she bolted out of her chair. “Thank you, anyway.”

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