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Tainted (The VIP Room 2)

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“Well, she answered that question,” Alec said, moving beside Kaden to touch her wrist with a light touch, searching for her pulse. She felt him press down on her wrist when he found it.

“Her pulse is slow but steady. She should be more coherent by morning. If not, we can take her to the hospital.”

“She likes that idea,” Kaden said when she managed to nod.

“I don’t like this, Kaden. She seems scared of Redman.”

Kaden frowned as her golden eyes searched his, trying without words to ask for the help she needed. “I don’t understand. The other women seemed a little high, but not scared. Redman has been doing this for years. If there was something shady going on, surely someone would have put the word out by now.”

“Not if they didn’t want the publicity,” Alec corrected him.

Kaden lifted the water glass, while Alec helped her sit up again. This time she drank the water more slowly. She had almost finished the glass when he took it away.

“I’ll go out into the other room and ask the girls a few questions; see what I can find out. I’ll get something for her to eat also. It’ll help get the drugs out of her system. Get her some more water; keep her hydrated.”

“All right.” Sawyer watched as the blond man disappeared back through the bedroom door.

Kaden left her side, going back into the bathroom and running more water into the now empty glass. Sawyer waited for the glass of water, and when she felt the glass pressed against her lips, she drank as much as she could before nudging the glass away with her chin.

“Had enough?” This time Sawyer managed to nod her head. Drowsiness was coming over her full force. She tried to fight it, afraid if she went back to sleep, she would find herself back in that dark room, handcuffed to the cot again.

As if reading her mind, she felt the mattress sink down next to her. “Go to sleep. It’ll help get the drugs out of your system. Nothing will happen until you wake.”

Doubtfully, she stared up at him, feeling her lips tremble. It was only when she heard his soft whisper that she allowed her eyes to close, letting the fog carry her away.

“I promise.”


Kaden stared down at the young woman lying on his hotel bed. His instincts were screaming at him that something was going on here, and it was more than just a prostitute hired to entertain for a few hours.

His worry was confirmed when Alec slipped back into the bedroom, coming to stand next to him.

“When I tried to get any information off them, they just shook their heads and changed the subject. They looked as scared as her,” Alec nodded his head toward the woman lying unconscious, “when I mentioned Rick.”


They stared at each other, trying to figure out their next move.

“If we call the cops then Mouth2Mouth will be all over the news by morning. Redman is supposed to be back in the morning to bring the car and pick the girls up, but we can offer them an escort home if they don’t want to go with him. When she wakes up, she should be able to tell us where to take her. The best case scenario here is that they’ll all keep their mouths closed.”

“I hope this works. Redman is going to be furious when he shows up in the morning, Kaden.”

“Order extra security. I don’t know where he gets these women, but I want to be prepared for anything.”

Alec moved away from the bed, pulling out his cell phone.

Kaden didn’t wake the woman to get her to eat the food Alec had brought back, hoping the sleep would clear her mind so they would know where to take her. He wanted her out of his hair before the press got hold of this story. He could practically see the headlines. They wouldn’t care that she was already drugged before coming to the hotel room. It would be disastrous enough that the group had bought prostitutes for the night.

It was going to be dicey, dealing with Redman, but he couldn’t hand over the women in good conscience, knowing something was wrong with the set up. He was going to do what he could for the women while still protecting Mouth2Mouth.

Chapter Four

Sawyer woke carefully, turning her head slowly on the pillow. The cloudiness that had affected her brain was gone, but her thought process still felt slow. She looked around the same hotel room she had found herself in last night. Sunlight was trying to filter through the dark curtains.

“She’s awake.” Her head turned toward the men, who she felt move to the side of the bed. She hadn’t been able to see them clearly last night, though she could remember the dark haired one had been called Kaden and the blond one Alec.

“W—where am I?” Her dry throat barely let the words pass through her cracked lips.

“You’re in my hotel room. Rick Redman brought you and several other women to our suite last night. Do you remember?” The one named Kaden spoke first.

Sawyer nodded her head, putting a hand to her head when it set off a pounding pain in her temple. She licked her lips, trying to get the pain back under control. “I—I—need to get out of here before he gets back.” She tried to rise up, but her pounding temple was the least of her problems when her stomach began heaving.

“She’s going to vomit.” Kaden’s voice was grim as he lifted her and carried her to the bathroom.

Setting her bare feet on the cool floor, she fell to her knees beside the toilet that thankfully seemed clean, before emptying her already empty stomach. Dry heaves racked her body as both men silently watched. When she finally finished, Kaden handed her a glass of cool liquid, which tasted like ginger ale and calmed her churning stomach. A wet cloth was then put in her hand to wash her face. She sucked in a calming breath as she handed the cloth back.

Sawyer tried to get to her feet and found a hand gently lifting her as she caught a glance at herself in the mirror. Her naturally pale skin was parchment white, and her eyes were huge, staring back in fright, when she saw both men were watching her reaction. Turning back to the men, she knew she needed their help. She could only pray they would listen.

“I—I n—n—need to get out of here before Rick comes back for us,” she repeated her earlier request, trying to get the words passed her lips, though she was too upset to be frustrated by her usual stutter.

“Don’t worry about Redman,” Kaden said.

Sawyer threw him a disbelieving look. The stranger didn’t have a clue who he was dealing with.

“The rest of the women are in the other room, and we’re going to see they get home safely.”

Sawyer trembled as she stared at the two men. The taller one was lean with hair that was short but full. He was wearing jeans and a thin t-shirt. His looks were such that they would make any woman pause and take a second glance. He had an air of sensuality that she had only seen a few times in her life.

The blond, while not as tall, was more muscular with unruly hair. He was wearing dark jeans with a dark t-shirt and a leather jacket. Neither of these men were aware of the quicksand they were stepping into, and she couldn’t stop them if she wanted to save herself.

A cold chill struck her, raising goose bumps on her barely-covered flesh. Gazing down at herself, she saw that she was wearing a revealing black dress that came to the tops of her thighs with tiny straps and a revealing slit between her breasts. A thin, golden chain barely held the material together.

“Let me see if I can find you something warmer.” Kaden went in search for something, while Alec helped her out of the bathroom to sit in a chair in the bedroom. Sawyer gratefully sank down on the elegant chair, while she watched Kaden pull a zippered hoodie from a large, black bag.

“I’m afraid this is all I have,” he apologized.

Sawyer took it from his hand, putting the warm material on her chilled body. His scent clung to the fleece material, somehow reassuring her that she was finally out of her nightmare.

“Y—you have to call the police,” Sawyer urged. “Now. Before Rick gets back.”

Both men stared at her in surprise before both of their expressions turned grim.

“What’s going on?” Alec asked, bending down before her.

Sawyer ran a hand through her tangled hair, wincing as she unintentionally pulled at the tangled mess. “He kidnapped me.” She saw both men staring at each other.

“We’ll call the police of course, but do you know how you ended up here?” Alec asked, sympathy in his eyes.

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