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Razer's Ride (The Last Riders 1)

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“What’s so funny?” Razer asked, seeing her smile. Deciding to be honest, Beth confessed. “I was just wondering how you decided what your name was, if you decided it or someone else.”

“Depends.” Razer answered.

“On what?”

Razer shrugged. “A lot of things, usually because we are good at something.”

“So because Shade wears sunglasses, he was given that name.”

“You think I am called Shade because I wear sunglasses." Beth felt his body shake in laughter next to her. Beth was confused by their laughter.

“Then why do you think they call me Razer?”

“Because you like to shave?” Beth answered, noticing his cleanly shaven face, unlike his friends who it seemed liked the shadowed look. This time loud laughter could be heard from the backseat.

Beth could see Razer fighting his own laughter. “Yeah, that it.”

Before Beth could figure out their laughter, the truck pulled into her driveway. Shade sat still; this time Razer jumped out.

“I’ll help you down.” He patiently held out his hand. Unbuckling her seatbelt, feeling foolish trying to keep her skirt from flying up and holding her purse in her other hand, she slid toward his opened door. Razer held her hand until she regained her balance, shutting the door of the truck.

“Thanks for the ride.”

“You’re welcome.” Razer followed as she walked to her door. Unlocking it, she turned to say goodbye, but before she could, he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

“I am going for a ride on my bike for an hour or two, would you like to go?”

Beth looked toward the truck with the men inside.

“Just us, I’ll go get my bike and you can get changed into some jeans.”

“I can’t…”

“Yes, you can. Your sister is gone for the day.” At her surprised look, Razer looked unapologetic at his obvious eavesdropping in the restaurant. “I bet you don’t have anything important that has to be done today. Come for a ride with me in the mountains.”

“All right.” Beth found herself swayed by his smile. She was just as weak as the other women.

“Good. I will be back in an hour. Be ready,” he ordered.

Beth just smiled at his order, going inside the house. Once the door closed, her calm exterior faded and the recriminations began in earnest. All the time she was getting changed into more comfortable clothes, she was determined to tell him she couldn’t go when he returned. As she put on her tennis shoes, then fixed her hair back into a tight ponytail, she still believed what she was telling herself.

When the knock came in less than the hour he had said, Beth was surprised he was back so soon.

“That wasn’t an hour," Beth accused when she opened the door.

“I was afraid you would change your mind.”

“As a matter of fact…"

“Oh no, you don’t. I didn’t bust my balls to drive back here breaking the speed limit for you to turn me away. Where are your keys?”

“Wait just a minute. I…”

“Nope.” Seeing her keys sitting on the small table by the door, Razer grabbed them sliding them in his blue jeans pocket. Beth swallowed apprehensively when her eyes were drawn towards him at his action.

“Let’s go.” Taking her hand, he pulled her out and locked the door.

Resigned this was indeed going to happen; Beth followed him meekly to his motorcycle.

“I have never ridden before," she told him nervously when he handed her a helmet before placing one on himself.

“It’s not hard, get on.” Beth clumsily straddled the huge bike, holding on tight to the seat when Razer got on. “Grab on to my waist.”

Beth nodded her understanding before reaching out, clutching him around his waist.

“No Beth, like this.” Reaching for her hands, he pulled them forward, scooting her whole body forward until the front of her body was plastered to his; her arms held tightly to his waist. Without another word, he turned on the motor.

Beth’s first motorcycle ride was an experience she would never forget. The beauty of the mountains was in their full glory, the bike made her feel as if she could truly appreciate the natural beauty of nature. She understood finally the freedom someone could feel; the excitement women were drawn to at the skill and strength to ma

neuver the beast of a machine around the turns and other cars on the road.

They rode for over an hour before they headed back to Beth’s home. At her door, he pulled out her keys, unlocking the door before pulling it open.

“Would you like to come in for something to eat before you go home?”

“That’s one of the things I never refuse.”

“Oh, what else is on your list?” Beth teased, walking towards her kitchen. Razer shrugged. “Not a lot, but home cooked food is definitely on the top.”

“Well, let’s see what I can do.” Beth opened her freezer, grabbing some Stromboli’s that she had made the previous weekend, and then froze so that Lily could heat them when she arrived home from school. Beth’s freezer was full of pre-made meals that Lily could heat up for herself if one of her clients kept her late. Schedules were important to Lily and it kept it normal for her to have home cooked food in the oven instead of take-out.

The Stromboli’s were definitely filling the house now with their delicious aroma as she made a salad and filled glasses of iced tea.

Sitting them on the table, she motioned for Razer to take a seat. "Sorry I don’t have any beer.”

“I didn’t expect you to after your sister’s reaction yesterday. Care to explain why she freaked out so bad?”

Beth hesitated. The whole town was aware Lily was adopted; her father had made a big production of it, but he had also never told where he had found Lily. Beth didn’t know how privy Razer was to the town gossip.

Beth answered hesitantly, wanting to respect her sister’s privacy. “Lily has led a very sheltered life.”

Opening the oven, she took out the Stromboli, serving one to Razer, then one for herself.

“You haven’t?” He waited until she took her seat before asking the question.

“I went away for college, spent four years in Lexington. I went through the partying stage. Lily hasn’t. She goes to school in the fall.”

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