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Viper's Run (The Last Riders 2)

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“The Sheriff.” Winter knew she had made a terrible mistake when Viper motioned to Shade, who immediately stood, pulling his phone out of his pocket before going indoors.

“He will still come.” Winter said bravely. This had gone so wrong. She was supposed to have made everyone angry enough to throw her out.

“Will he?” Viper mocked her.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll just call someone else. I can take care of myself, I don’t need to stay here anymore.”

“So you feel fully recovered?” Why did she feel like it was a trick question? Winter thought frantically.

Definitely not liking the look in his eyes, Winter clutched her cane and began walking backwards away from Viper. She didn’t know where she was going. She just knew Viper was in front of her and Shade was inside the house. The only option left was to put a little space between them until Viper calmed down. He was furious with her. That night in the Pink slipper, he didn’t lose his temper fighting with the other motorcycle club members ganging up on him. Viper had handled them with calm control. Winter wished she could see a little of that control now.

Viper stalked her as she went backwards, edging her towards the side of the yard where there was a gazebo with a swing. Frantically Winter looked for an escape route but couldn’t find one.

“Aren’t you going to make a run for it?” Winter threw a dirty look at his question. He was throwing up to her that she wasn’t a hundred percent healed yet.

“You’re being ridiculous. I am the one with the right to be angry.”

“What have you got a right to be angry about? You don’t wear my ring; I have never told you that I am in an exclusive relationship with you. Have I ever once told you that you were mine? Did I ever, in all the time I have known you, let you believe that I was yours?”

The questions beat at her with each step she took.

“No.” Winter answered truthfully, finding herself cornered against the side of the gazebo and swing. When she tried to step around the swing, Viper blocked her path, pinning her against the gazebo wall.

“When I would go out of town, and you tried to make me jealous by going out with every single father in the fucking PTA, what did I tell you?”

“Have a good time.” Winter turned her head away unable to stare in his face as he mocked her.

“I could have fucked you silly as Loker James but I wanted you to know who I really was before I put my dick in you. I won’t always be so nice. I am not a nice person. Never was, don’t want to be. Nice people get fucked over. My brother was an example of that.”

Winter started to argue. “You’re a nice person. I fucked you over, deal with it, because I am done trying to make amends. I never led you to believe there was more to us than there actually was and until you come to grips with that, you are going to stay pissed at me. But I can deal with pissed, actually it makes me want to fuck.”

Winter stared at him in shock as his hand went to her breast, pulling down her sweater and bra, leaving her breast bare. Looking around in embarrassment, she tried to tug her top back up dropping her cane in the process. The other members were now dancing or engaging in their own sexual activities, ignoring them. Winter knew no one could see anything with Viper and the gazebo blocking their view.

He dragged her attention back to him when he caught her hands in his and lifted them above her head, knotting a soft cord around her wrists that she hadn’t seen nailed into the side of the gazebo.

“You guys are prepared for everything.” Winter struggled against him tying her hands.

Viper laughed. “We try.” Before Winter could tell him to let her go, he captured her mouth in a kiss so full of heat, her brain almost exploded.

Tearing her mouth away from him this time, more determined she hoped. Her top was lowered again and this time he took her nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his teeth, his other hand uncovered her other breast, squeezing it from bottom to the top, forcing the blood to the nipple. Winter’s head fell back against the gazebo.

“Do you know how many times I imagined you like this? With your breasts just waiting for my mouth, your nipples for me to suck them until you scream for mercy? I fucked every woman the last two years pretending it was your pussy I was inside.”

“You fucking liar. I bet you didn’t think of me that night with Bliss once. There were four daisies. Does that mean she fucked four members that night?”

“Yes, Cash, Evie, and me. We fucked all night long.” After making that admission, his hands unbuckled her jeans spreading them open before sliding his hand inside. Winter kicked out at him but he stepped between her legs, making it useless.

“Careful I don’t want you to hurt your back, more importantly I don’t want you hurting something of mine I plan to be using in a few minutes.”

“You go to hell, if you think tying me up...”

Viper cut her off. “You don’t like it? That’s all you had to say,” with a twist of his hand the cord around her wrist was loosened before giving away. “We don’t need safe words, a simple no will do, but your wet pussy is telling me no isn’t on your mind.” His hand had been playing with her clitoris the whole time; he knew exactly how excited he was making her. A finger slid deep inside, making her brace against the gazebo to steady herself.

Viper lowered his head once again, finding her nipple and sucking it into the wet heat of his mouth. A whimper escaped her as another finger joined the one inside her.

“I did think of you that night, but as tight as her pussy was, it can’t compare to yours.” His fingers began sliding in and out of her pussy, one of her legs shifted to wrap around his legs between hers. “You got even wetter imaging me fucking another woman? Or that there were four of us giving it to her?”

“You said Evie, Cash, you, that is only three.” Winter didn’t care how many people Bliss fucked that night as long as Viper kept building her orgasm.

“There was someone else but he doesn’t like his business talked about anymore than I do.” The reminder almost saved her from him but he didn’t give her time to build her defenses. “I never told Rider fuck about when you were leaving because you are staying right where you are, in my fucking bed.” With that, he lifted her up into his arms, packing her into the house. Carrying her up the steps, Winter tried to remember when she lost control of the situation.

When they entered his room, Viper sat her gently on the floor before starting to remove his clothes. She stood there and watched as his clothes fell to the floor. For the last few months she had laid next to his body, forcing herself to pretend that she wasn’t attracted to him any longer. But as he stood before her naked, she admitted to herself she had lied.

She wanted him badly. His body was a piece of art and she wasn’t talking about his ink. His sculpted muscles and obvious strength were a turn on for her. When so many hurt people had surrounded her during her rehabilitation, Viper stood before her in all his masculine glory bringing forth a response that she was sure he could satisfy. She had waited for him for so long, she could take her chance tonight and be the woman with memories of him or someone who could hold on to a grudge in a lonely bed.

Viper reached out and pulled her shirt over her head, unclasping the bra as he let it drop to the floor. Viper sank to his knees as he drew her jeans off after removing her shoes. His mouth found her pussy as soon as the jeans hit the floor. His hands held her hips as he licked the tiny button, finding her wet. Winter’s hands sank into his thick hair as he brought her near orgasm. Using his tongue, he pressed her clit flat, stopping her climax. Her hips shifted as she tried to bring herself over, but he held steady denying her.

Standing to his feet, he turned her to the bed before lifting her up and placing her in the middle of the bed.


“Spread your legs.” Viper reached inside his nightstand and pulled out a condom. Tearing the package open, he carefully rolled it on as he stared at her sprawled on the bed. “I am going to be careful so I d

on’t hurt your back. If you feel any pain, you tell me and we can change positions.”

Winter lowered her lashes, feeling inferior for a second, sure he had never worried how he fucked other women. She remembered how Rider said earlier that she wouldn’t be able to handle Viper and she was beginning to realize that he was right. She didn’t compare to the women in looks and now her body even let her down when it came to sex.

Viper grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her attention back to him. “I don’t care about your back other than I don’t want to hurt you. I better not see that look on your face again tonight. The only thing you need to worry about is how I am going to teach you exactly what I like, then from now on, you’re going to give it to me when and where I want it.”

Winter’s mouth opened to protest as his cock teased her clit before entering her in one sure stroke. Her back arched at the unbelievable pleasure of him entering her.

“Stay still, let me do all the work.” He smiled into her neck as his lips traced a path downwards to her breasts, pulling it upwards to his waiting mouth. Surrounding the nipple, he took the tip of it between his teeth, sucking strongly. Stroking inside her, he raised her leg to his hip as his cock drove deep inside her pulsating sheath.

His thrusts escalated. Winter reached out touching his smooth chest as he moved above her. She had fantasized so many times of having sex with him that it seemed almost unreal that she was lying beneath him as he moved forcefully above her.

Viper caught her eyes with his as his hand went to her pussy. “This is mine.”

Winter could only stare at him in return, trying to douse the hope building deep within her soul. Was he telling her that now he considered them in a relationship? She was afraid to believe what his face and words were telling her.

Swiftly, he twisted his hips hitting the spot deep within her that was pushing her into a climax that rippled through her entire body. Viper stroked her, extending her orgasm until she begged him to stop. With a grin he rose on his arms above her, moving his hips in a series of thrusts that had her grabbing the rails above her head before he came inside her.

Rolling off her, Viper went into the bathroom before coming back and lifting her into his arms. Turning the shower on until the water steamed, he pulled her inside turning her until the spray hit her back. Swallowing nervously at the tenderness he was showing her, she searched his face to find him staring down at her with an unreadable look on his face. Winter dropped her head, hiding her face against his chest. Winter was sure she had, again, read too much into his actions, making more out of him having sex with her; she was nothing more than a fuck to him.

Viper stared down at the woman he had wanted to fuck for the last two years, making himself wait until she could see the real man she was with. From her expression, he could see the doubt and fear in her eyes that he was still using her for whatever messed up reason she had come up with. He didn’t need her for information or as a fucking partner. He had his pick of several women, in and out of the club.

A grin passed his lips. When she realized just how much he expected of her, she was going to run. She wasn’t going to be happy to find herself as the newest recruit.

Chapter 10

Winter scooted to the edge of the bed trying not to wake Viper.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go to the bathroom. Then I am getting out of this bed. If I stay here much longer I will be paralyzed again.”

Viper laughed, gripping her hip as he rolled closer to her, his chest to her back. Winter closed her eyes while enjoying the feel of him at her back. His mouth nuzzled her neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin.

“You sore?”

“Which part of my body isn’t?”

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