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Lucky's Choice (The Last Riders 7)

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“They aren’t drunk; they’re tipsy,” Willa countered.

“They’re drunk off their ass,” Douglas muttered, taking another bite.

“I’ll adjust the recipe.” She put her full attention on Douglas. “So, you wanted to talk about the costs?”

“What? Oh, yeah. I emailed you the cost of the new cabinets.”

Willa picked up her cell phone, pulling up her email, and then she started getting heart palpations at the figure she was staring at.

“I just wanted ordinary white cabinets.”

“You already have those. For the same price, you can get those. They’re on sale, and with my discount, it’s a good deal.”

“Are the white ones on sale? If they are, they would be cheaper. I could save—”

“They aren’t on sale,” Douglas cut her off.

Willa stared down at the figure, her mind running the total cost of the project.

“Get the cabinets. Kitchen upgrades always increase the value of the home.”

“I know, but…”

They went back and forth. She was finally satisfied when Douglas promised to check a competitor’s price. She also showed him a sale ad for the carpet she had picked out, telling him she would give him a check to go ahead and make the purchase.

“I told you it would be better to wait. They always run sales on the first of the month. I saved eighty-nine dollars,” Willa said proudly.

“I’ll take care of it tomorrow,” Douglas said, getting up and carrying his dirty cup to the sink. “I need to get going.”

“I’ll see you later this week. Lucky wanted to stop by yesterday, but we didn’t get time. We’re packing—”

“You’re moving?” Douglas asked sharply.

“Don’t worry; I’m not moving back into my house. We’re moving just outside of town. Lucky wants to build his own home.”

“What about the one you’re working on?”

“I’ll probably rent it out. I want to save it for my children.”

“I see.”

From his frown, she didn’t think he did, but she didn’t pry. Douglas was a nice man who liked his privacy and didn’t pry into other’s business, so she saw nothing wrong with extending the same courtesy.

He was almost out the front door when she caught up with him. “I boxed you up a couple of cupcakes.”

“Oh, thanks.” He nodded at Dustin who had followed Willa into the hallway. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You, too,” Dustin said, holding out his hand. “I wouldn’t eat any more of those if you’re driving,” he joked.

Willa thought she heard Douglas say, “No shit.”

After the door was closed, she turned to Dustin. “Did he say…?”

“He said they were a little too sweet.”

“Really? Then maybe I should cut back some on the sugar,” Willa mused aloud as they walked back into the kitchen.

“You do that, add a touch more bourbon, and you’ll have a winner.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. When you make them, text me. I’ll taste-test them for you again.”

Willa smiled, refilling his coffee cup. “You didn’t wear your suit I bought you today.”

Dustin lost his happy expression. “No, you said Lucky wasn’t going to be here today. I still don’t see what would have been wrong with jeans and a T-shirt.” He smoothed down his T-shirt with ‘I Dig’ and a picture of a plant. Willa thought it might be a picture of cannabis, but she couldn’t be sure.

“It’s not exactly professional,” she said delicately, not wanting to hurt his feelings. “Lucky is my husband. I want him to have confidence in you.”

“Did it work?”

“Oh, yes.” Willa nodded happily. “You were amazing. I knew you would be.”

Dustin flushed, staring up at her, and she went to put the coffee pot up then turned when she heard Dustin greet Lucky.

Once Lucky came to the counter, pulling her into his arms and kissing her breathless, she had to hold onto the counter as he released her.

“How are you doing tonight, Dustin?” Lucky asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“I’ve been better,” he said, picking up his briefcase.

“Did you eat too many cupcakes?” Willa asked in concern.

“No, I skipped dinner. Too many sweets on an empty stomach, I guess.” His expression was downcast.

“I should have asked. I’m so sorry. I could make you a sandwich if you want.” She placed her hand on his arm in sympathy.

He seemed about to accept then changed his mind, looking at Lucky over her shoulder. “That’s okay. It’s Greer’s turn to cook. I’m sure there are plenty of leftovers.”

“It wouldn’t take me long.”

“No, don’t bother. I’ll see you in a couple of days, Willa.”

She started to follow him out but Lucky walked by her, following him, so Willa began doing the dishes. She didn’t have many, because she liked to do them as she used them.

“Why don’t you use the dishwasher?” Lucky asked, coming back into the room.

“I didn’t have enough dishes to do a full load.”

He pulled her into his arms. “You could just stack them in the dishwasher until you have a full load.”

“I don’t like dirty dishes sitting around. My mother always told me a wife is supposed to keep a clean house.”

“Willa, I’ve told you that’s an old-fashioned concept. I can help with the chores. When we move into the clubhouse in two days, you’ll have to get used to the chores being split up among the members.”

Her eyes darkened in worry. “Does that mean I can’t cook you breakfast every morning?”

Lucky sighed. “Siren, what is it with you cooking breakfast every morning? I do know how to make myself a bowl of cereal.”

“I want you to be healthy, and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Lucky slid his hands to her butt. “I know one that’s more important.” He lifted her up until her legs wrapped around his waist. Then he turned, setting her on the metal counter.


“Snack time.”

Willa laughed. “Snack time isn’t a meal.”

“Oh, yes, it is.” His mouth kissed the base of her throat as he unbuttoned her faded pink blouse, pulling it off.

She was wearing a new lace bra that she had found on sale, and the cups barely covered her nipples.

“I could come just from staring at your tits.” He pulled her breasts out of the bra before laying her back on the counter next to the cupcakes. He tugged off her jeans and tennis shoes.

“Someone could come in,” Willa whispered.

“I locked the door when Dustin left.”

She heard him opening a drawer next to her where the utensils were kept, and her heart stopped beating when she saw a butter knife in his hands.


“I haven’t had a chance to try your new flavor. Did Dustin like them?”

Willa didn’t like the look in his eyes. It was making her nervous. She would have jumped down off the counter if Lucky hadn’t pressed a hand down on her stomach, holding her still. He used the butter knife to scoop a small amount of frosting then smeared it across one nipple. She wiggled unsuccessfully while he repeated the same to the other then tossed the knife into the sink.

The cold metal at her back made her shiver as her hands curled over the edge of the counter. Lucky unzipped his jeans, pulling out his hard cock. Then he gave a satisfied smile as he swiped his thumb over her clit, and she knew her arrogant husband was gloating to himself that she was already damp.

She was anticipating him to build her desire higher. As a result, the shock of his sudden entry had her arching as she adjusted to him taking her. His hard body pressed her back as he took her nipple into his mouth, licking the frosting off.

His cock felt as hard as the steel she wa

s trembling on, and the sensations were almost more than she could bear.

Her small scream was cut off when he caught her mouth with his. She tasted the chocolate icing on his tongue.

“Wow, I did use too much bourbon. It tastes like…” Willa lost her train of thought when he surged inside her again.

“Fire,” Lucky said, licking the frosting off her other nipple.

“Fire,” she murmured in agreement.


“Hmm?” She lifted her glazed eyes to his.

“Do you know that Dustin’s in love with you?”

Astonished, she shook her head.

Lucky nodded his head back at her. “I don’t want you alone with him anymore.”

His firm tone had her hackles rising. “He’s not in love with me. We’re friends. You’re being ridiculous. He would never—”

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