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Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls 2)

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They undressed and took another shower, this time each lost in their own thoughts.

Broni couldn’t understand how her powers had failed her and been switched to Rhys. Was it to be in just this instance or would it last longer? Broni was frightened to learn the answer.

Rhys felt a small weight lifted off his chest, making him breathe a little easier. Saving the child had eased a tiny part of the pain he’d felt at being unable to save his own children. The guilt had been eating him alive just as much as the grief he felt at missing them.

They got out of the shower, drying themselves off, and once they

were in bed, Broni turned off the light with a wave of her hand. Before she could lay down beside Rhys, he was leaning over her, pressing her down into the soft mattress.

Rhys felt like a part of him that had been asleep was reawakening. He was filled with the inexplicable need to fuck Broni. His mouth claimed her nipple, his teeth rubbing the tender bud until it tightened into a hard nub. Rhys had fucked numerous women since Deena’s death, but none had aroused the passion that Broni did.

He skillfully built their desire upwards until her pleas for release had him sliding deep within her body. His fingers rubbed her clit until he felt the gasps at his shoulder where she had buried her face. He lazily stroked inside of her while feeling her nails bite into his back when her greedy pussy needed more than he was letting her have.

Rhys stared down into her striking face, seeing that she enjoyed the feel of him inside her. Her long legs were wrapped around his waist, trying to control the tempo of his thrusts and keeping her under control was undermined by his own rising desire. He gave in to his own demands, his strokes becoming faster, deepening until he felt her tightening pussy clench.

Her ecstatic expression sent a burst of lust straight to his cock. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he pumped deep within her, feeling as if there was no part of her that wasn’t his.

“See me. Rhys, please see me.” He barely heard the faint whisper.

Her hands slid back to his shoulders, soothing the muscles bunched with tension. She rose up to kiss his mouth, but Rhys turned his head to the side, denying her the intimacy. Not deterred, her mouth went to his neck, placing gentle kisses against his flesh.

Breathing hard, he collapsed back on the sheets. Broni went to lay her head on his chest, but Rhys moved until he lay on his side with her at his back. It wasn’t actually spooning, as their bodies weren’t touching. She got his message, though.

Rhys’s hand clenched on the mattress, keeping himself from rolling over to take her in his arms.

Broni buried her face in the pillow, forcing the lump in her throat back down. She refused to cry. She had to accept the truth; she was just a fuck to him. That was all it would ever be between them.

During the time she had spent with him the last few weeks, Broni had begun to hope. Not for more—she was well aware he would never love her like Deena—but she had hoped he would want to become more intimate with her. Little things like holding her close after sex, getting her a drink, maybe even flirting with her a little. Anything to show that she was more than just a fuck.

Broni swallowed hard when realization hit that this would was all she would ever be to him. Eventually, Rhys would grow tired of her, find other women to fill the void Deena had left behind. It would not take long with his new ability to transport; a new world would be open to him. The Goddesses would be eager to add him to their list of lovers as well. The body he had developed within the last few weeks would draw them like a moth to a flame. Without a connection to her, he would see no reason to deny himself. They would have his body, no more able to earn his love than her. Only one woman would have his heart—Deena.

Broni waited until he slipped into a deep sleep before she left, sensing it would be the last time. He no longer needed her. His nightmares had almost ceased now, often ending before she could soothe him. He was healing, so it was her who held on to the fallacy that he needed her to sleep. A misguided hope.

He had become used to her presence, but never once in the weeks they had slept together had he reached out for her. If he woke up with her beside him, they would have sex. If she had already left, he did not search for her.

She lingered for a moment longer, staring down at Rhys with her heart breaking.

“You win, Rhys. May you find the peace you’re searching for. My love goes with you.”

Chapter 18

Dawn was lightening the sky when Rhys woke with a start. The room was icy, but not with the temperature, it was with the frigidness coming off the woman sitting by his bed.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” He quickly gathered the sheet to cover himself, staring at Fate’s expression. It did not take a genius to see she was furious with him.

“I told you I would not interfere, but the time has come where I will no longer tolerate how you treat my daughter.”

Rhys angrily started to rise from the bed with the sheet around his hips. A flush rose in his face at her disdainful expression as he tried to keep his cock covered.

“I don’t think this is the time or place for this discussion. I’ll get dressed and meet you downstairs for breakfast.”

“Get dressed. I will wait outside.” Fate rose regally, walking to the balcony off his bedroom.

Rhys dressed, determined to get the next several minutes over with. He knew that Fate was going to give him hell for Broni, but he was just as determined that she realize Broni was the one who had initiated their sexual relationship.

Minutes later, he stood outside with Fate. She was watching the sky, strain etched on her face. She was a beautiful woman, but worry over Zerina was beginning to take its toll. Rhys felt guilty since he had added to her stress because of Broni. Perhaps it was time to stop whatever was happening between them. Rhys ignored the burning ache he experienced at the thought.

Fate turned at his approach, staring at his face. Her gaze sharpened on his resolved expression.

Rhys began before she could voice the disapproval he could see in her furious eyes. “I understand your concern for your daughter’s feelings. I’ll make sure we stay away from each other’s rooms.” He was determined Fate would know he was no young boy about to be reprimanded by an angry mother.

“Is it so easy for you to give her up, Rhys?” Fate’s gaze became glacial.

“What do you want me to say, Fate? That I am in love with her? I’m not. And I won’t lie to you or her by saying I am or that there is a chance in the future my feelings will change.”

Disdainfully, Fate curled her lip at him in disgust. “You arrogant prick! I know better than you what your feelings are for my daughter—she’s your personal fuck-toy. She’s not good enough to replace that perfect wife of yours who you spoiled rotten with a lavish home, expensive jewelry, and even a nanny to help with the children. She never turned her hand to clean a speck of dust; you hired a maid to clean your home. The only thing she did that made her a wife was share your bed and bear your children. You couldn’t even fuck her the way you wanted, could you? Her delicate sensibilities would shatter if you treated her the way you treat Broni!”

When Rhys jerked as if she had struck him, Fate took a step forward, grasping his arm. Rhys thought she might actually strike him, instead he found himself in a huge dining hall with a throne. He recognized Odin who was sitting with a goblet in his hand, surveying the room. A woman who was wearing only a blue, gauzy skirt with her breasts bare sat at his feet.

Odin stiffened when he saw them standing in the middle of his dining hall. He spoke quietly to the woman at his feet, and she rose to her bare feet, leaving the room through a doorway to the side of the throne.

“Fate, I see you finally decided to bring him home.” Rhys was confused by his words.

Broni’s mother’s grip on his arm tightened. Tugging him forward, she led him to the front of the room to stand in front of Odin.

“You can have him.” Fate released his arm. “Give him the homecoming you think he deserves. I should have known he would be no better than you, but because Broni loves him, I wanted to give him a chance.”

“I don’t—” Rhys turned to Fate at her words.

“If you tell me one more time that you don’t care for her, I will stab you in that black heart of yours,” Fate threatened him.

Odin laughed. “You’ve really pissed her off, haven’t you?”

Rhys remained quiet, not wanting to cause further argument with Fate.

“Wise choice,” Odin said as if reading his mind.

“Enjoy yourself,” Fate said snidely before sh

e disappeared.

Rhys turned back to Odin who was gazing at him with a smile of welcome. Standing to his feet, he raised his hand, and the room grew silent.

Rhys turned, taking a good look for the first time at the men sitting around the tables filled from one end to the other with food and pitchers. Men of different time periods stared back. One after the other, they began banging their goblets on the table.

“I welcome you home. Take your due; it’s well deserved,” Odin’s loud voice boomed through the room.

A chorus of cheers brought a surge of emotion from deep within him. Rhys didn’t know how or why, he only knew that, at long last, he was home.

* * *

Broni stood in the corner of the room alone, observing the crowd her mother had gathered to pool their thoughts on how Zerina had disappeared from their view. Not far away, Athena and Aphrodite were seated, discussing their latest conquest.

“Don’t let those bitches see they are hurting you.” Her aunt’s advice was already too late.

“Destiny, Rhys has the right to share their bed. I should have left the table when his name was first mentioned.”

“The spiteful whores are taking their hatred of your mother out on you.”

Broni reached out, taking Destiny’s hand in hers. “They can give him what I cannot.”

“What? A migraine?” Her disdainful voice brought a smile to her lips despite the agony tearing through her soul at the women describing how wonderful a lover Rhys was. Athena had shared his bed on numerous occasions, making sure Broni was aware of the fact. Aphrodite, who had only managed to snare him for a single night, was jealous, stating a need for him again. Both Goddesses had vengefully monitored her reaction to their talk. She had risen from the table with tears in her eyes, unable to listen to more.

“Freedom to be with anyone he wants,” Broni answered.

“You should take another to your bed. Maybe—”

Broni was already shaking her head. “I won’t repeat his mistake. You can’t forget the one you love in another’s arms. I’ll be fine. Go to my mother before she loses her temper. I’ll see you in the morning.”

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