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Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls 2)

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The large sword she was staring at was her own. She was sure her mother or aunt was responsible for it being there and guiding her to its hiding space.

“Mom and Destiny, stop or you will anger Mother. I won’t have you punished because of mistakes I’ve made.”

Broni tied the sword around her waist, folding the blanket up to take with her. It wasn’t going to help much during the chill of the night in the open, but it was better than nothing.

Broni closed the door behind her as she left the house, pausing, trying to debate the best path to take. The cities wouldn’t be safe, so her only chance of survival would be to find survivors that had banded together; if there were any left. She wasn’t even sure how far in the future Mother had placed her.

Broni started walking into the woods, thinking it was safer to stay away from the roads. She walked for several miles before her aching feet forced her to stop, and she sat down, exhausted, next to a tree.

At least before on Earth she had been treated kindly by strangers offering her help and places to stay. Now there was nowhere to turn. For the first time in her life, she felt alone and frightened.

Broni wrapped the blanket around her and closed her eyes, wondering if it would have been smarter to have spent the night in the farmhouse basement, shuddering at the thought. Broni didn’t believe the dead bodies in the house would have been conducive to a good night’s sleep.

A rustle from the bushes had her sitting up against the tree as a large wolf appeared. The wolf padded forward and Broni trembled, her hand going for her sword.

The wolf stared at her with baleful eyes. Ignoring the sword, it disdainfully sat down by her side and laid his head on her lap. Broni carefully reached out, rubbing the fur on the wolf’s head before gliding her hand downward, stroking the silky fur. The wolf stretched out beside her, enjoying her petting him.

When she reached out to scratch his exposed belly, a strong wind blew, and Broni caught the faint scent of her aunt. The wolf’s mouth opened almost as if he was laughing.

Broni covered herself with the blanket, leaning back against the tree, while the wolf snuggled to her side, a buffer against the cold.

* * *

In the morning, Broni woke stiffly, rising herself to her feet slowly. She brushed her hair back, pulling it away from her face while the wolf sat watching her.

“Are you hungry?” Broni dug in her backpack, pulling out beef jerky and giving a piece to the wolf. When they finished, she divided a bottle of water between them. She then packed their trash back in her backpack before sliding the straps around her shoulders.

“What do you think?” Broni pointed to two different directions. “Which way should we go?”

She started to walk down the hill they were on, but the wolf grabbed the bottom of her shirt, tugging her in the other direction. It would be harder going uphill, however they wouldn’t be as out in the open as the path she’d chosen.

“You’re right. We can see anyone before they see us.” Broni pulled her sword from the backpack, and began walking, keeping an eye out for other people.

They walked for several miles that day, stopping three times for short rests. Broni wanted to make as much progress as she could before dark.

The wolf walked by her side, and several times, Broni found her hand patting his head for comfort when she felt her spirits sagging. The nights were the worst; damp and cold. Without the wolf, Broni knew she would have suffered hypothermia.

On the third day, Broni was on the brink of exhaustion.

“We need to find a place where I can rest a couple of days.” Broni had found herself talking to the wolf more and more.

It was almost dark, so she began walking toward a cluster of trees, but the wolf took her hand in his mouth, tugging her onward.

“I’m tired.” Broni’s voice sounded faint to her own ears. She cleared her throat to clear the weak emotions that were assailing her.

The wolf was persistent, however. So, she allowed him to lead her along until he stopped suddenly, taking Broni by surprise as she looked down the hillside, seeing a familiar sight.

The Dark Highwaymen’s clubhouse.

Chapter 20

Broni watched the clubhouse before approaching. She knew Adam and some of the other bikers had survived, but little else. This part of the future was unknown to her; the city didn’t look the same, many of the large buildings and streets were empty or burned into shells of the majestic structures they once had been.

The few people that were out seemed to travel in groups, savaging the empty buildings for what items they could find. Broni saw several bikers come and go from the clubhouse, yet she didn’t recognize them. There had been so many of them that came and went, she wasn’t sure if they had been there or not during her stay.

She was debating what to do next when the wolf pushed his muzzle against her, urging her forward toward the clubhouse.

“I take it you think I should go inside?” Broni looked down at the wolf.

She took several steps down the hill before she realized her companion wasn’t following, so she walked back up the hill.

“Thank you.” Broni dropped to her knees, burying her face in his dark fur and hugging him tightly. Gradually, she gathered herself, getting to her feet, and with a last look, she turned. She made her way carefully down the hill with her stomach in her throat.

Going to the locked gate, she used her sword to bang on it. The door to the clubhouse slowly opened and she released her breath in relief. This man, she recognized.

Skid came forward, unlocking the gate to let her inside.

“We wondered what happened to you.” The curious young biker looked her over.

“Is Adam…?” Broni asked before entering.

“He’s still in charge. Barely. Tank’s back; are you sure you want to go back inside?”

Broni nodded her head reluctantly. There wasn’t much of a choice—the woods for another night or Tank.

Skid led her inside where the clubroom was a mess; the broken furniture was piled in a corner against the wall, what table and chairs were left were filled with bike

rs. There were some she recognized and many she didn’t. Adam was standing at the bar, talking to Jace and Mason.

“Well, fuck me. Look who came back.” Tank’s loud voice had the members staring at her in the doorway.

As Tank got to his feet with an evil grin on his face, she had no doubt he had been one of the few Drearien that had survived the God’s influence, returning to normal. Broni clarified her thought; she didn’t think Tank had ever been normal.

“Give me that fucking sword.” He started to reach out to take it from her.

Broni gave him a cold glare. “The only way you’re getting my sword is if I shove it up your ass,” she threatened.

Tank’s face filled with fury as his hand went to the revolver tucked in his pants.

“That’s enough, Tank,” Adam ordered. Broni thought for a moment Tank would ignore Adam until he stepped sideways, letting her pass.

Adam’s eyes surveyed her as she walked to his side. “What are you doing back?” His expression stated he clearly wasn’t happy to see her again. She couldn’t blame him, either; Tank became an even worse asshole around her.

Broni told him the truth. “I had nowhere else to go.”

“Where’s Rhys?” Adam’s hard expression showed no sympathy for her predicament.

“He’s moved on,” she answered him the only way she could.

“That works for me,” Tank said. “That means she’s club property again.”

“No, it means she goes to that last high bid, which was mine.” Broni heard a chair slam as Tank and the others moved away toward the pool table.

Broni’s hand tightened on her sword.

“Relax, Broni. Do you want a place to stay or try to make it on the outside?” Adam questioned.

“I won’t be touched.” Broni’s hand tightened on her sword.

Adam’s mouth twisted in a wry smile. “I haven’t resorted to raping a woman.”

“As long as we have that straight.”

Adam turned to the counter. “Abby, get her something to eat.”

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