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Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls 2)

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Each of the RVs had large side view mirrors. The RV parked in the lead had its mirror knocked off. It was swinging aimless, barely hanging on by a single cord. The sun hitting the mirror was what had drawn her attention. The reflection in the mirror was what forced a gasp from her throat.

Dionysus. His cruel smile and the concentration on his face left no doubt who was responsible for the extermination of those outside.

“Balder, you have to get to Mother. It’s Dionysus who’s doing this.” Rhys had stayed true to his word, bringing Balder to Odin’s court and making him another immortal warrior.

“He wouldn’t dare. Zeus would destroy him,” he argued.

“I’m telling you it is him. I saw him.” Frantically, Broni tried to convince the warrior.

Dionysus was Zeus’s son, though she was certain his father could not have known his son was involved in destroying Earth.

“I can’t leave you here unprotected,” Balder protested.

“If we die, he will keep killing. You have to tell Mother. Only she will have the power to stop this.”

Balder looked undecided.

“You know I’m telling the truth. It’s the only choice we have. Go, please, Just don’t be gone long.”

“I won’t.”

Balder disappeared the next second, making those that saw scream.

Broni ignored them, turning back to the window. She could see no trace of Dionysus outside after her brief glimpse in the mirror. The Drearien that were there turned their attention to the clubhouse now that all who had been outside were dead. As they pounded on the door trying to get in, Broni waited for them to enter while holding her breath. The women behind the counter were screaming. Broni’s heart broke when she heard Abby’s and Zandra’s among them.

“You can stop it.”

Broni stiffened at the voice. Dionysus was just on the other side of the window, but his lips hadn’t moved. Broni realized he was talking to her in her mind.

“Let me have control, and I will let them live.”

“You’ll kill them anyway.”

“They are useless to me. It’s you I want.” His offer made no sense to her.

“Why? I have no powers as a mortal, and Mother is angry with me; she will not bargain for me.”

“Mother be damned. I will kill everyone inside if you do not come out.” Dionysus’s calm began to disappear, so Broni thought fast.

“You can’t touch Cara, I’m of no use…” Broni gasped. “You want to use me against Zerina. Where is she?” Broni screamed, throwing herself at the closed shutter.

She felt the pressure inside her skull as he tried to take control over her mind. Broni remembered her mother’s words that there had to be a kernel of evil inside for the Drearien to take control. Therefore, Broni thought of how much she loved Mother, and how she regretted making her angry by betraying her trust. She prayed for forgiveness.

Broni felt the overwhelming power of Mother’s love flood through her body, and the pain retreated as Dionysus gave an angry curse, disappearing.

In the next second, Balder returned with a handful of warriors about to throw open the door.

“Wait. He’s gone. The Drearien will return to normal, so there is no need to kill more.”

The men waited until the ones outside regained their senses, taking off back into the dark city.

“We’ll get the outside cleaned up,” Balder stated, opening the door. “I don’t understand how they didn’t get inside. These doors weren’t strong enough to hold them off.”

“The spell mother taught me must have held him off.”

“She saved your life.”

“Yes, she did.” She and the person who had been killed and buried on the property had protected her and the others inside.

Balder and his men were still dragging the bodies away when Adam and her warrior returned. Behind them, a huge semi followed the lights, showing the bloodshed that had taken place in their absence.

Broni went outside, running into her warrior’s arms.

“Are you all right?” Warrior looked her over critically, checking for injuries.

“Yes. I’m glad you’re home.”


“For now. Until this is over,” Broni clarified.

“When it’s over?”

Broni looked at the carnage around them. “If we’re still alive, the humans are going to need our help.”

“Balder said you saw Dionysus?”

Broni nodded her head. “I think he wanted to use me against Zerina.” Broni shuddered, fear for her sister flooding her mind.

“He’s the one behind this?”

Broni explained what had happened while he had been gone.

He remained silent while she told him, emotions swirling across his face. “That explains why humans haven’t been able to rebuild; he’s influencing the gangs to keep the cities in chaos.”

Broni agreed with him. It explained why the violence was escalating instead of calming.

“I need to talk to your mother,” he said suddenly. “Go back inside until I return. I won’t be long.”

“Why are you going to see my mother?”

“I’ll be back. I don’t think he’s acting alone. This is a war against your mother, and Dionysus is a peon, not a commander.”

“Who could be in charge then?”

Warrior shook his head, disappearing without answering her question.

If Dionysus was only being used by the person who was really trying to take control from Mother, then the battle would worsen. Humans were barely hanging onto their fragile grasp of civilization as it is. If someone else were involved, that could take this war to the Gods. Then, the only ones able to save them would be Odin’s army.

Her warrior was Odin’s commander, so if the war went to the realms, he could be killed. She would lose him again. An immortal that died in the realms was not reborn—he would be lost forever.

Chapter 30

The warrior appeared beside Fate. “You saw?”

“Yes. You do not believe that Dionysus is doing this on his own?”

“No. He is just a pawn as Morgana was.”

“Who do you think is responsible?”

Broni’s mother was clearly exhausted. He was sure that watching Broni being attacked and being unable to help as well as concern for Zerina had taken its toll.

“First, I want a promise from Mother.” Warrior folded his arms across his chest.

“What kind of promise?”

“That will be between Mother and me,” the warrior stated his terms. He had to use Fate to carry his message because no one was granted an audience with Mother without permission.

Her face paled, but she nodded her head in agreement. She disappeared a moment, gone briefly before returning.

“She agrees.”

The warrior gave a sigh of relief.

“Now, who is the one responsible?”

* * *

“Zeus!?” Broni said in shock.


“No. He’s Chronos’s son. He was raised with Odin and is Mother’s step-son, but she treated him as well as Odin.”

“He is jealous of Odin. Mother split her inheritance between Odin, Hades and Poseidon, so there was nothing left for him, but he intends to have it all.”

“Mother must be heartbroken. Chronos must be devastated also to find out his son is responsible for the treachery.”

“At least now they know who they are fighting.” Broni rolled on top of him on the bed.

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