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Soul of a Demon (The Dark Souls 3)

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“I fell in love. Hades didn’t. That’s probably why he sent me away.”

“That son of a—”

“Destiny! Mother will punish you for saying that!” She and Broni stared over their shoulders as if Mother would appear to punish them.

Destiny gave a disgusted sniff. “My apology,” she called out, as if Mother could hear her from the heavens.

After her confession, they resumed their seats, and Zerina listened intently as they explained why Fate had returned to Mother’s court.

“You believe that either Loki or Jinx used their magic to change Zeus’s appearance? But why? He has the power to do it himself.”

“He can hide his appearance, but it would take true magic to hide his soul, which is how we thought we would be able to recognize him.” Destiny strummed her fingers on the table, her eyes thoughtful.

“It wasn’t Jinx,” Zerina defended her friend. “Besides, she was with me, and I would have recognized Zeus, despite any magic disguising his soul.”

Broni jerked her gaze to her. “Maybe that was why Dionysus was trying so hard to find you.”

Out of the group that had gathered around the table, there was one man Zerina couldn’t remove her eyes from.

He stepped forward. “Is it safe for us with her being here?”

Zerina didn’t take offense to his question. Meanwhile, the humans in the room began to look worried.

“Hello, Adam.”

“I don’t know you.”

“You wouldn’t remember me. I was the one who carried you to earth. I knew you were special when I gifted you to your parents. I see I was right. You are a leader who not only kept your people safe, but my sister as well. Thank you.”

“Is it safe?”

“No, but she’s not leaving.” Broni gave him a quelling look.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have anywhere else to go. I can’t return home until a god shows up to carry me.”

“Call one of them and get her the fuck out of here.”

Adam’s first instinct was to protect his people. Zerina couldn’t blame him. It was what made him a good leader.

Zerina also recognized the gentle woman who placed a hand on Adam’s arm.

“She has nowhere to go that is safe.”

“That’s not my problem. What is, is me keeping everyone here safe, and that includes you and Zandra.”

“If she goes, I go.” Abby’s reproachful eyes had Adam relenting.

“If just one of my people turn into those Drearien again, she’s gone. That is, if we manage to survive it again.”

“Adam is right; I should go.” Zerina started to rise.

Broni pushed her back down. “You’re not going anywhere. If they attack again, we’ll deal with it, just as we did before.”

Destiny’s thoughtful stare kept her from trying to stand again. “Do you want to leave for the human’s safety or to try to find Hades?”

Zerina couldn’t answer her aunt’s question truthfully, so she didn’t.

“Please don’t tell me you’re going to be one of his women who searches endlessly for his entrance.”

“I won’t have to. Jinx can tell me where she thinks it is.”

“Even if you manage to find it, it doesn’t mean he would open it for you.”

Zerina flinched at the hard truth.

“I love him. If he was finished with me, why didn’t he just take me home?”

“That, I can’t answer. Only Hades can, and he’s not here. Doesn’t that say he doesn’t care about you? I wish I could be more supportive, Zerina, I really do, but Hades’ actions speak for themselves.”

Zerina looked at her sister. “Do you believe I would be wasting my time?”

Broni stared at her compassionately. “Nothing is ever wasted when you follow your heart. I did. It may have taken me centuries, but I managed to catch him.”

“You were the one caught.” Rhys returned her loving look.

Destiny snorted. “That wasn’t determination. It was a miracle.”

“Maybe I can find my miracle.”

“Good luck. If you’re determined, I won’t stop you. But will you at least wait until your mother and father arrive?”

“Yes, I want to see them. If Hades allows me entrance, I don’t know when I’ll see them again.”

Destiny raised her eyes ceilingward. “Mother above, she’s willing to give up her gift and her family for Hades? She shouldn’t become a goddess again. The woman’s a saint.”

Chapter 30

The sun was slipping down, the sky growing dark. Destiny had stopped trying to reason with Zerina, deciding instead to step outside and take a breath of fresh air. It was a wasted effort, both arguing with Zerina and getting the fresh air. The only thing she could smell was the unwashed bodies of the humans who had sought the safety of the club.

Winkling her nose, she tried not to gag at the odor permeating from the small blue building that was fouling the air.

She saw a flash of movement on the hill that overlooked the clubhouse. Destiny watched as a wolf sat on his haunches, staring down at her.

When Rocque made no move to transform or come down the hill, Destiny waved her hand, appearing by his side.

“Why aren’t …?”

Rocque used his nose to nudge her toward the trees. He was tired of waiting to claim her.

She didn’t move, reaching for his sleek head, but he shook his head away from her touch.

“You don’t want me petting you? I’ll remind you of that.” She motioned toward the trees. “Lead on.”

The wolf didn’t look like he believed her, but he trotted toward the trees, and Destiny followed.

If Zerina had the courage to love a man with no heart, then she could find the courage to face the heartache that she was destined to suffer.

She knew where he was leading her. It was the same cave that he had taken Cara to when her life had been in danger.

“It would be much easier if we just transport ourselves.”

When he nudged her again on her butt, Destiny smacked him on top of his head.

“Do that again and I’ll transport myself back to the clubhouse,” she snapped, following behind the arrogant sway of the wolf’s hips.

It was pitch dark before they found the cave. Destiny started to go inside, but Rocque growled, going inside first.

“It’s clear.” His voice sounded from within.

Crawling inside, she saw that Rocque was in human form, standing naked in the middle of the small cave. He had lit a candle, and in the shadowy interior, she saw him wave his hand, making blankets appear.

“You don’t have a problem using your gifts to see to your comfort.”

Rocque used the blankets to make a bed. When he finished, he lay down, patting the spot next to him. “Come here.” Even in the flickering light, Rocque’s sensuality couldn’t be dimmed.

She wasn’t a virgin. She’d had several lovers who she had grown fond of but had never fallen in love with. She had saved that part of herself for Rocque, despite telling herself she wouldn’t.

She had been running from him since he had claimed her eons ago. To give in now took more courage than she had.

She turned toward the mouth of the cave.

“I know, Destiny.”

Her eyes widened.

“I’ve always known. Mother told me after you left the day I claimed you at court.” He gave a harsh bark of laughter. “She pulled me aside when I would have gone after you when you left with Apollo. She told me that you saw my death.”

His expression showed his hurt. It was the hurt that had her accepting the hand he held out to her before sinking down next to him.

“You and Fate always say that our future is ours to decide. Trust me that I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize myself.”

“I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” Poignantly, she memorized every line and angle of his face as she pressed a trembling hand down his chest, storing the feel of

his flesh beneath her hand to memory, locking it away so she could pull it out when he was gone.

“You said we’re immortal. We have time.” He tugged her down to rest by his side more comfortably. Rocque then waved a hand, removing her human clothes then placing a possessive hand on her belly. “You’re going to conceive my children tonight.”

Destiny buried her face in the crook of his neck to hide her tears. He would give her three daughters this night. Just as her vision had foretold.

“If you leave me to raise these children alone, I’ll follow you to Hades and make you miserable.”

He tenderly kissed her lips, mummering against them, “You’re so sure Hades is where I end up?”

She curled against him. “I’m Moirai. I know where you’re going.”

“I better start saying my prayers to Mother,” he joked.

She placed a hand over his lips. “Don’t.”

“Trust me; I’m not going to Hades.”

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