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Stand-In Bride's Seduction

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She knew Sara wouldn’t begrudge Rina borrowing her clothes, had in fact even suggested it, but Rina had the feeling this particular dress was special. It certainly felt that way as the deliciously soft fabric whispered across her legs as she slid her feet into a pair of matching open toe pumps.

She quickly stepped into the bathroom to freshen her makeup and to check her phone surreptitiously. At last! A text from Sara. Rina groaned under her breath in frustration. Was it too much to ask for her runaway sister to have finally responded at a time when Rina could call or text her back? Rina scanned the message.

Sori I hvn’t been in touch. I hope things r ok with Ben. Pls, whateva u do, don’t tell Rey wot I’ve done. Will call u soon. Luv u sis. Sx

Rina’s heart sank. She’d geared herself up to give Reynard the full story and now here was Sara once more begging her not to. It made her sick to her stomach but despite her own feelings on the matter she decided to give Sara that little extra leeway. With any luck, she’d be back in a day or so and everything would be fine.

Reluctantly, she switched the phone to silent mode. If Sara called now she’d have to go to voice mail. Rina sincerely doubted she’d be able to carry off a phone conversation with her twin while said twin’s fiancé sat next to her in the close confines of his car. And, of course, the hospital expected cell phones to be switched off in the high dependency unit where Benedict was currently being cared for. Rina remembered that much at least from when their father had suffered his last, fatal heart attack.

“Sara? Are you ready? We really need to get back now.”

Rey’s voice outside the bathroom door made her start. She turned on a faucet and let cool water splash over her wrists for a second before snapping it off.

“Just a minute. I’m nearly done,” she called over her shoulder.

She grabbed her perfume and spritzed a tiny amount behind each ear before grabbing the length of her hair and twisting it up into a loose knot secured with a handful of Sara’s pins. There was one advantage in having the same untamed mass of long red hair—they both tended to wear it in very similar styles. There. She could handle anything, she decided as she looked at herself in the mirror. Anything that didn’t get too personal, at least.

As they left the cottage she heard Rey inhale softly.

“Nice perfume. It’s different from your usual.”

Rina swallowed against the gasp of irritation that rose in her throat. She hadn’t even thought about what perfume Sara had been wearing. Her sister had always preferred the spicier floral, oriental-based perfumes while she herself was more a light floral fragrance person. It was yet another example of how careful she was going to have to be to carry this off properly.

She turned and smiled at Rey, slipping on a pair of sunglasses so he couldn’t see the lie in her eyes. Sara always warned her that she gave too much away.

“It’s something I picked up while I was away. Do you like it?”

From behind her, Rey leaned in and inhaled again, his lips mere centimeters from the curve of her neck.

“Mmm, yeah, I do.”

A frisson of awareness shot down Rina’s spine with the velocity of lightning, leaving a fierce sizzle throbbing in its wake. She stumbled a little, steadying as Rey’s hands shot out to anchor her.

“I’m okay,” she hastened to say, pulling from his light clasp before she could enjoy getting too close.

What was it she had told herself only minutes ago? About handling things provided it didn't get too personal? Right now, it looked as if that was to be her biggest obstacle because despite everything, she was left fighting against a desire to get very personal indeed.


The updated news at the hospital wasn’t good. Rather than attempt to bring Benedict out of his coma, Rey was shocked to learn the doctors had reassessed his condition and elected to keep him in that suspended state for at least two more days. While his air bags had deployed and saved him from more serious head injuries, there was still some swelling on the brain that was causing concern. Another forty-eight excruciating hours of hoping against hope their brother would find the will to fight his way out of the pain and darkness, and survive.

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