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Stand-In Bride's Seduction

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“So, your first day at work with us,” Rey continued. “I thought that rather than pin you down here in the office, we should head out to the vineyard this morning and let you get a feel for the whole setup, then we can lunch and tour the resort in the afternoon.”

Tours, great, that meant other people. Someone to act as a buffer against the shimmer of sensual tension that continued to hang between them. She could barely contain her relief.

“I’d love that. Thank you.”

A knock at the door heralded the arrival of Rey’s receptionist, armed with a tray bearing Rina’s tea and a steaming mug of coffee for Rey.

“Thank you, Vivienne,” Rey said as she placed the tray on the low table between the leather couches by the window.

“No problem, Mr. del Castillo, and I’ve rescheduled your appointments for today and let the vineyard manager know you’ll be there by ten-thirty. I’ve also booked your lunch at the resort for two o’clock. I hope that’s not too late?”

“No, that will be fine. By the time we’ve toured the vineyard and discussed matters there, that’ll work out. Thank you.”

“Is there anything else you need?”

“No, thank you, Vivienne.”

Vivienne closed the door behind her, leaving them cocooned in Rey’s office. Rina busied herself, reaching for her tea and taking a sip. The cup clattered as she set it back on the saucer, betraying her nerves.

Rey gave her a sharp look. “Still scared of me?” he asked, raising one dark brow.

“More scared of how I feel around you, to tell you the truth.”

“Well,” he said, an expression of surprise flashing across his features. “Thank you for your honesty, I think.”

He reached for his coffee mug and took a long swallow of the fragrant brew. Rina was mesmerized, watching the grace of the muscles working in his throat, the faint trace of moisture left on his lips, even the ripple of strength as he leaned forward and put down the mug.

“I meant what I said last night. I overstepped our boundaries and I shouldn’t have.”

Rina decided since she’d already been honest about how she felt, she may as well continue. “You didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t want at the time. But just so we’re clear, I’m not ready to explore this any further right now. I know we’re—” she hesitated a second “—engaged and for most couples it would be normal for our relationship to be…” She waved her hand, not willing to verbalize the images that filled her mind when she let her guard down. “Anyway, I think we should just keep taking it one day at a time. Yes?”

Rey held her gaze as he slowly inclined his head. “I do not wish to do anything to jeopardize our engagement. One day at a time sounds sensible.”

“Good.” She smiled, relief breaking through her. “So tell me a bit about the vineyard. How old is it, what level of production, do you export, hold tastings?”

He laughed and raised a hand. “One question at a time, please. I thought you said you were good for ideas and typing, but you’re sounding like a professional.”

Ice trickled down Rina’s spine. She’d overplayed her hand. Just like that, she’d gone and done again the very thing she was trying so hard to avoid. She had to be more careful.

“Maybe a bit more of my sister rubbed off on me than I thought,” she replied ruefully, hoping he’d accept her response.

“Okay, it’s probably better if I give you the rundown on the way. Finish your tea and we can be off.”

By the time Rina drove herself home to the cottage that night she was both physically exhausted and mentally exhilarated. It had been difficult holding back the knowledge and thought processes that were second nature to her, but she’d done it. Now her mind was bursting at the seams with ideas and concepts to help lift the del Castillo resort profile and to promote the vineyard, and the very fine wines they had begun to produce overseas.

Once inside the cottage bedroom, she switched the tones back on for her phone, and dropped it into her bag before quickly changing out of the clothes she’d worn to the office and into a pair of shorts and a tank top. While traveling in the air-conditioned splendor of Rey’s car, or during the time at the resort, the temperatures had been bearable but entering the sunbathed cottage after it had been closed up all day was like stepping into a sauna.

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