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An American Cinderella

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I shrugged. “He says he knows a couple of guys through his work,” I replied. “But, I need to get a dress. Can I leave a little early tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course,” Jaqui assured me. “You have to get something amazing.”

“You want to come? I could use a little help picking something out.”

Jaqui’s face fell. “I can’t. I’m behind on this delegation thing.” She thought for a moment. “But, send me pictures and I’ll give you my opinion as you try them on.”

“I can do that. And thank you,” I said. I was a little disappointed that my friend with the best fashion sense couldn’t come and help me pick something out, but I understood.

I gave her a wave and headed to the copy room.

“Remember, you’re going to send me pictures and I’ll give you scores,” Jaqui said when I stopped by her office Thursday afternoon. “I’m thinking that with your complexion, you need a jewel tone. Deep red, dark green, purple... I like purple.”

“I promise to send you pictures. Thanks again for letting me go early today.”

Jaqui waved me off. “You did a great job on those folders. You’ve been so helpful, it’s not a problem. Now, get out of here and get a dress.”

I chuckled and waved as I said goodbye and headed out of the office early. It felt strange to leave while everyone was still hard at work at their desks.

“Have fun, Aria,” Gus called to me from his desk as I walked past. “Do whatever Jaqui recommends. Dress wise. Not man wise.”

“I will,” I promised, waving at him.

There was almost no traffic since it wasn’t rush hour yet, so my bus ride to the dress store was easy and comfortable. I had some ideas for a dress, but I knew it really depended on what I found at the store. I had decided to try a bridal shop that specialized in high end gowns, especially since this was supposed to be a black-tie super exclusive event. I wanted to look like I belonged and I was willing to spend a little bit of my savings to do so.

I found the swanky shop in the downtown area and walked inside. Two circular white leather couches took up the center of the brightly lit room and soft music played overhead. Racks of designer gowns in various shades of white hung to one side while the other held a rainbow of colors and designs.

“Welcome to Boutique,” a woman announced coming up to greet me. She wore a sleek gray suit and her blonde hair pulled back in a trendy ponytail. “How may I help you?”

“Hi. My name’s Aria. I have a reservation,” I replied.

“Of course.” The woman smiled and motioned me to the couches. “Would you like something to drink? I have champagne and sparkling water.”

“Um, I’m fine. Thank you. Maybe in a little bit.”

“Feel free to browse the dresses.” She pointed to the various stands filled with all hues of satin and lace. “I’m sure we’ll find something you love.”

I spent the next two hours trying on various styles of ballgowns. I tried satin, silk, taffeta, lace, sequins, sparkles, tulle and everything in between. I tried to send pictures of each of them to Jaqui, but I was having a hard time picking one that felt right. Nothing felt good enough.

“I think I might have a gown for you,” the woman said after I discarded yet another dress with a sigh. “I didn’t bring it out at first because it’s a little out of your selected price range. Do you want to see it?”

I did some mental math at just how much money I was willing to spend on a dress. Then I thought of standing next to Henry. I wanted to look my best. “Bring it out.”

The saleswoman went to a different rack and pulled out a beautiful purple satin gown. It was simple, but shimmered in the light. I could see the price tag and while it made my stomach twist, I knew I should at least try it on.

The dress fit wonderfully. I walked out of the changing room and looked in the mirror. I loved that it had cute little shoulder straps and a nice defined waist. It was a little high in the bust and the skirt needed to be hemmed, but it fit. Plus, it looked good. Really good. I snapped a picture in the mirror and sent it to Jaqui. She texted back after a moment.

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