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Broken Promises (Broken 3)

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Liza chuckled and rested her head on Jase’s shoulder. A tinge of jealousy raced through my blood—Liza was leaning on Jase instead of me.

I PULLED UP and parked behind Layton’s truck. It was after midnight, and Jase and Ava had both passed out in the back seat. I tried to wake them, but had no luck. I got out and opened the passenger-side door. Liza had fallen asleep almost immediately after getting into the truck. I unbuckled her seatbelt and took her in my arms before carrying her to the back door. She was light as a feather. I had to admit that I loved having her in my arms.

I was relieved to find the back door open. I attempted to close it behind me without making a lot of noise. I made my way through the kitchen and living room and started up the stairs. I pushed open Liza’s bedroom door and gently laid her on the bed. I turned on the desk lamp and when it lit up her room and I couldn’t help but smile. It had been years since I’d been in Liza’s room. I glanced at all the pictures on her photo board. Most of them were of Liza and me; some were with Jase and Ava.

Liza groaned, and I walked over to her. I helped her take off her boots placing each one quietly on the floor, then pulled the blankets out from under her and tucked her in. I sat on the bed and pushed her hair out of her face.

Liza opened her eyes and said, “Walker, I missed you.”

I gave Liza a grin and said, “I missed you, too, Liza.”

Her eyes moved across my face, like she was searching for an answer. She took a shaky breath and said, “It scares me.”

I cocked my head. “What scares you?”

Liza sucked in her lower lip. “How much I want you to kiss me.”

I swallowed hard as I stood up. Then I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Goodnight, Liza,” I whispered.

She closed her eyes and said, “Night, Walker.”

For a few minutes, I just watched her sleep. When I heard the door creak open, I turned to see Jase there.

“Is she okay?” he asked.

I nodded and turned to leave, but Jase grabbed me by the arm and stopped me. He gave me an intense look.

“I see the way you look at her, Walker. And I see the way she looks at you. You’re both in committed relationships, so please don’t do something stupid.”

I glanced back over to Liza. “I love Jessica. I would never do anything to hurt her. But I can’t stop my feelings for Liza, Jase. She’s like a sister to me.”

The corner of his mouth pulled up into a slight smile. “Uh-huh. Like a sister. I’ll see ya in a few hours.”

I gave him a quick nod and walked out of Liza’s room. The whole way out to my truck, I tried to make sense out of the feelings running rampant in my head. Ava had woken up and moved to the front seat where she was leaning against the passenger window. When I started the truck she groaned.

“Oh God, I’m never drinking again.”

I laughed and put the truck in reverse and started to head down the driveway. I looked over to the house and gasped when I saw Liza standing at her window with her bedroom light on, watching me drive off.

I WIPED THE sweat from my forehead and leaned against my truck. “Shit, it’s hot out.”

Layton laughed. “Welcome home! Just think, it’s not even summer yet.”

I rolled my eyes and took a swig from my water. The cattle had been hanging around us the last hour. Hoping for an early feeding.

I looked over to see my father finishing up with the fence repair. Jase placed some tools in the back of the ranch truck and sighed. “I’m never drinking again. Ever.”

Layton laughed and slapped Jase on the back. “What’s the matter, son? Can’t handle your alcohol?”

My dad chuckled. He was just about finished with the fence repair.

Jase grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler and shook his head. “I guess not, because I feel like shit.”

“How was Liza feeling?” I asked.

Jase shrugged. “I guess she’s okay. She woke up all happy, then grabbed her damn Kindle and curled up on the sofa in the den.” Jase looked over to Layton. “Dad, I still think it’s unfair that she gets to do nothing and I have to work my ass off.”

Layton raised his eyebrows at Jase. “Do you want to run this ranch someday, son?”

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