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Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1)

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he last week.

The door to Tucker’s office opened. When I looked at him and saw the immediate concern in his eyes, the floodgates broke free. I stared at him, and I broke down and started to cry.

But in that moment, I wasn’t sure if I was crying for the loss of my parents or the loss of Tucker.

CHARLIE DROVE ME crazy. I wanted so badly to hate her, but every time she walked that sweet ass by me, I was transported back seven years ago. The memory of her wrapped in my arms as we swung in the hammock was one of my favorites. And the one I had jerked off to in the shower more times than I could count.

Little did I know she was going to freak out on me and leave me a fucking note saying to forget the entire weekend happened. Nash tried to warn me about Charlie. Everyone knew she put her father above everything. Her only goal in life was making her father happy. Screw her own happiness. She’d given up so many dreams for him. I wondered if he knew how much his daughter had given up.

I sighed and dropped my head back, then rolled it around to ease the stress. I’d never be able to forget the most incredible seventy-two hours of my life. Or the way she fell apart over and over while whispering my name. I wondered if she had remembered telling me she was in love with me. She had been drunk, but her confession nearly knocked me on my goddamn ass. Her leaving that fucking note proved she was lying about what that weekend meant, and it caused me to see blood red. I knew she was lying, and she knew it too.

The memory hit me right in the chest.

CHARLIE GIGGLED AS I carried her up the back steps. She’d had one too many drinks and was currently teasing me that she had a secret.

I laid her on my bed and pulled my T-shirt over my head. “What’s your secret, Pumpkin?”

Her eyes lit up and tears filled those beautiful blue eyes.

“I love you,” she softly said.

Every ounce of air felt like it was pulled not only from my lungs, but from the room as well.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I think I loved you the first moment you smiled at me. How stupid am I?”

I had planned on sleeping out on the sofa, but when the girl you’ve secretly loved for the last few years tells you she loves you … well, you have no choice but to make love to her.

“Please tell me you’re not too drunk to know what you’re saying, princess.”

Charlie chewed on her lip, her eyes turning dark. “I’m not too drunk.”

I smiled as I crawled over her body, pressed my lips to hers, and gave my heart to her. Forever.


Snapping out of my memory, I smiled at Pam. One of my managers.

“Yeah, sorry. What did you need?”

She looked me over and smiled bigger. “Do you have the number to Pine Brewery? I think we’re going to want to order more of their American Amber Ale. It’s been one of our biggest sellers.”

“That’s awesome,” I replied. I knew that one was going to go over well with this crowd. Craft beer was my thing; I had a passion for it. My father still didn’t get my desire for what I did. He nearly stroked out when I told him I was opening my own bar. His only response was that at least my degree would get put to use.

“It sure is. Want me to go to your office and get it?”

“Actually, Pam, I let two of my college buddies use my office. With Charlie’s parents dying …”

Pam gasped. “Oh, your poor friend. I hope he’s going to be okay. How sad.”

With a nod, I replied, “Charlie is a girl.”

She frowned. “A girl? Her name is Charlie?” When she snarled her lip, I got defensive.

“It’s short for Charleston.”

Then she made a face. “That poor girl. What a dreadful name.”

Opening my mouth to argue with her, I quickly shut it. It wasn’t worth it, and why I felt the need to defend Charlie was beyond me. I’d always done it, though. Anytime anyone said anything bad about her, I stood up for her. Even though down to her very soul, she was a cold-hearted bitch.

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