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Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1)

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“You don’t think you’re getting sick, do you? We don’t have to go to the lake this weekend.”

I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“What? No! No, I’m fine. I really think I just ate something that didn’t sit well, that’s all. I feel totally fine now.”

The corner of his mouth rose in a slight smile. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen out from my neatly styled bun.

“You look beautiful today.”

My heart raced in my chest. How could he say that after he just heard me throwing up?

I scoffed. “I’m dressed in a skirt and blouse, and I may or may not have vomit on them somewhere. You’re not a very good liar, Tucker.”

He slowly shook his head. “It’s not the clothes that make you beautiful, Charlie. It’s the person wearing them.”

The pounding in my ears sounded like I was standing in the middle of a gun range and people were shooting on both sides. No matter where I turned, I couldn’t escape the onslaught of emotions and sounds threatening to make me surrender all of my dirty secrets to this man.

“Tucker,” I managed to get out in a breathy whisper.

I needed to tell him the truth. Now.

“I have something I need to tell you.”

The knock on the bathroom door and the immediate opening of the door as one of Tucker’s employees peeked her head in had me halting my words.

“Tucker, there’s a problem out here we need your help with.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Okay, I’ll be right there. I was making sure Charlie was okay.”

I let out the breath I had been holding in when the girl looked my way and gave me a sad smile.

“Go on ahead. I’m fine now, Tucker. Honestly.”

He looked at me, almost with pleading eyes as he said, “What were you about to say?”

Chewing on my lip, I waved my hand in the air. “Nothing. It was nothing at all. I, um … I need to take off.”

He looked crestfallen by my response.

“Were you wanting to grab lunch together? Is that why you stopped by the bar?” he asked, reaching down and kissing me on the forehead. I wouldn’t expect him to kiss me on the lips after what I’d done in that stall.

“I was, but now I’m not sure I’m up for it. Besides, I didn’t have much time and I need to get back to the office.”

He frowned. “Okay, maybe another day then.”

Smiling, I nodded and moved around him toward the door. I exited the ladies’ room and continued to walk down the hall and out into the bar.

“Hey, you okay?” Nash asked as Blake gave me a once-over.

“Fine. Must have eaten something sketchy. I’m heading back to the office.”

Glancing to Blake, I forced a smile. “Nice seeing you, glad you’re back.”

He winked. “Glad to be back.”

Walking out of the bar, I rushed to my car parked out front. My hands shook as I started it and pulled out. Taking in one deep breath after another, I forced myself not to cry again. I’d need to get my shit together before the board meeting this afternoon.

The last thing I wanted was for Paul Ricker to see any weakness in me. It was becoming more and more apparent I had to figure out a way to stay as the CEO besides getting married.

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