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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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She knew exactly what my raised eyebrow meant. Years of me brainwashing her over the dangers of drinking in public must have worked because she immediately started parroting to me the same things I’ve told her over and over and over again.

“I’ve got a designated driver, I won’t drink too much, and yes, I will not take any drinks from anyone.”

I kissed her on the forehead and replied, “That’s my girl. Go have fun. I’ll be in there in a second. I saw the gang when I walked in.”

“Don’t be long!” she called out as she rushed into the private area.

As I made my way toward what was known as the boss’s friend’s booth, I smiled when I saw everyone here. Terri, Jim, a very pregnant Charlie, and Tucker. The only one who wasn’t there was Blake. He was probably working, because the man was the definition of workaholic. Or he was screwing a girl in the restroom. It was either work or sex with Blake and was a toss-up to where he could be at this very moment.

“Hey, y’all,” I said, extending my hand to Jim and then Tucker.

“I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Tucker stated.

Sliding into the booth, I gave everyone the same smile I had been plastering on my face the last year. The one that said everything was perfect in my world.

It wasn’t though. Not since the day I found out the woman I loved, Lily, cheated on me. She got herself pregnant by another man and basically left me because my wallet wasn’t big enough. It had been hard seeing her the few times she showed up to hang out since she was Tucker’s younger sister and had been a part of our group since college. She had slowly backed away from the group lately. Her life soon became cocktail parties and high-society dinners, not hanging out at her brother’s bar.

Once I got into the booth and really looked around the table, I couldn’t help but notice how everyone stared at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked with a chuckle.

Tucker glanced over to Charlie, who rested her hand on her belly. The only reason Tucker let his wife be at the bar was because there was no smoking allowed. That, and he watched her like a hawk.

It was Charlie who cleared her throat and then took in a deep breath before speaking.

“Lily texted and said she needed a night out and is on her way here.”

My entire body stiffened and I tried like hell not to let anyone notice. I had gotten so used to Lily not being around, so when she showed up, it felt like a kick in the gut.

It was Tucker’s turn to talk. “I guess she and Mark needed some time together, and they felt like it would be good for them to go out. My mom’s watching the baby.”

I had yet to even ask if Lily had a boy or a girl. I honestly didn’t give two shits, but a small part of me still believed that baby should have been mine, not some rich asshole’s.

“Maggie is adorable and plenty old enough now at five months for Lily to be leaving her with a sitter,” Charlie added.

My chest ached slightly knowing Lily had a little girl. I knew in my heart Lily wasn’t the one for me, my soul mate, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t hurt. When Charlie saw my pained expression, she reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

Charlie and Lily had been best friends since college and had remained friends after we had broken up. Terri had tried with her, but she wasn’t as close to Lily anymore. Even though I tried not to let it happen, our friends sort of picked teams, with me coming out the victor. Charlie and Tucker really were Switzerland. With Lily being Tucker’s sister and Charlie’s best friend, they remained close to both Lily and myself. Jim and Terri, on the other hand, made it known from the get-go they were Team Nash. Terri was pleasant to Lily, but their friendship had been strained after Lily cheated on me. Blake, well, let’s just say Blake hates cheaters. He has yet to even acknowledge Lily when she’s around, which isn’t often.

“I’m glad she’s happy.”

Terri laughed. “Yeah, I don’t think she’s happy.”

“I’m going to have to agree with Terri,” Tucker said with a sigh. “My sister seems far from happy.”

I shrugged. “Some women experience depression after the birth of a child, and I’m sure not having your dad here plays a part in that. It would make sense she might seem a bit sad.”

Everyone stared at me before Terri shook her head and wiggled her finger in front of me. “See, this is what I mean. She leaves you for a dickhead like Mark. It doesn’t make any sense. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”

Charlie nodded. “I agree.”

“She’s unhappy because it’s called karma. Sorry, Tucker, I know it’s your sister and all.”

He gave a halfhearted grin.

“Listen, y’all, it’s over and done with, so no sense in going down that road. Honestly, it worked out how it was meant to. Let’s just change the subject,” I asked of them.

“Too late,” Jim said as we all turned to see what he was looking at.

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