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Entice Me (Austin Singles 2)

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My eyes widened in horror. “What? As in went home and hooked up with him?”

He sighed and his cheeks turned a hint of red. I looked straight out the window.

“I know we don’t really know one another, Nash, but I’m not that type of person.”

“That was what Morgan said after she bitched me out for even suggesting it. Truth be told, Kaelynn, I wasn’t the only one who thought that. Y’all had disappeared in the club, then came back and both left at the same time. Blake also said he was giving you a ride, so everyone’s mind went there, ya know.”

Embarrassment raced through my veins. The rest of them thought that as well? I flipped back through the conversation and paused in horror. It would have seemed that way, especially with the way Blake had hinted at taking me home.

“I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t . . . oh gosh. Your friends must think I’m a . . .” I let the words trail off.

Nash reached over and squeezed my hand. “It’s okay; you’re a grown woman and can go home with whomever you want, Kaelynn.”

I turned my head and looked at him. “Wait. So you didn’t want to drive me when you thought I had slept with Blake, but found out I hadn’t and you were okay with it?”

He paused for a moment. “Well, I mean, if you had spent the evening with him, I didn’t want him to be pissed at me. Like I was moving in on . . . anything.”

His reason made sense. For the briefest moment I had wanted him to be jealous at the thought of me being with another man. Wishful thinking on my part.

Slowly pulling in a long breath, I stared out the window and let it come out equally as slow.

“You okay?” Nash asked, concern laced in his voice.

“Yeah. Sorry, it’s just that I’m a little worried about my purse. I can’t believe I left it in the Uber.”

“Did you call the driver?”

“Yeah, he hasn’t returned my call yet.”

As if on cue, my phone rang.

“Hello? Yes, this is Kaelynn. You did? You do? Oh, that is amazing! If you could drop it off at the front desk of the hotel you dropped me off at, I would appreciate it. I’m headed to Houston right now. There’s an envelope there for you as well; be sure to get it. No, thank you so much!”

I hit end and fist-pumped. Nash laughed and looked at me. His eyes seemed to sparkle when he was happy.

“I take it that was the Uber driver?”

“Yes! He worked a late shift and the passenger who got in last found my purse on the floorboard and handed it to the driver. He had just woken up and gotten my message.”

“I’m so glad he found it. Hopefully everything is in there.”

“Yeah, I already put a hold on my credit cards that were in there, so fingers crossed they’re okay.”

“You might want to get new cards anyway. Nothing says someone didn’t write down your information to use later on.”

My thumb came up to my mouth, and I started to chew on my nail. “Oh, I didn’t even think of that.”

An instant wave of heat hit me when I felt him touch me. Pulling my thumb from my mouth, Nash squeezed my hand before releasing it.

“That’s a terrible habit.”

I giggled as I turned to look at him. “Yes, Dad, it is.”

Nash grinned and even from his side profile the man was insanely good looking. Then he gave me a glance and winked, which sent my libido into overdrive before he dutifully focused on the road ahead of him again.

I couldn’t help but wonder what in the hell was wrong with Lily, his ex-girlfriend. From what I’d seen so far and heard from Morgan, Nash was a stand-up guy. He was sweet, kind, cared about his sister and his friends. Morgan had told me last night how he helped plan the last-minute wedding between Charlie and Tucker. Plus, there was a fierceness in his eyes, one that I couldn’t really explain, but I got the clear impression that if this man was a friend of yours, there wouldn’t be anything he wouldn’t do for you.

His cell rang and he hit the button on the steering wheel. “Nash Barrett.”

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